Penn State scandal

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May 19, 2004
Germantown, MD
So the AD and Vice President charged with perjury have "resigned". Assuming everyone is guilty (I'll put it out there, the info to date is [censored] and having been exposed to the grand jury system I doubt they'd issue an indictment this specific without excellent evidence), how can Joe Pa survive? His statement was a great example of lawyer crafted, CYA, pass the buck nonsense. Fact of the matter is they all knew Sandusky was a child raping pedophile and yet they essentially did nothing. The civil suits against them, including Paterno, are going to be tremendous. What do you guys think?

Thought I heard something on this on the radio.

Need to learn more to make comment.

My first thought is that University is about scholarly efforts, not sports, so let it all flop.

Of course PSU is probably one of the few that makes $$$ from football. But that's all aside.
Originally Posted By: Eddie
And how does this relate to our vehicles?

Nothing... that's why it's posted in "General and Off Topic".
Originally Posted By: Eddie
And how does this relate to our vehicles?

It's the "General and Off Topic" forum chief.
I have two observations on this. JoPa should go "finally".
Sandusky should have a portion of his anatomy removed with a butcher knife...end of story.
I'm sure people knew but just turned a blind eye to what was happening.

Just like that sicko child rapist Warren Jeffs that hid behind religion for the sake of raping kids. Lots of people looked the other way. Sick, sick, sick.
I live in Happy Valley and there is strong sentiment among many here that bot Paterno and Graham Spanier should go. Spaier is the president. He has a Ph. D. in sociology and "specializes" in marital and family issues. Makes one wonder how good he is in those areas. He and Joe are really no different than bishops and others in the Catholic Church that hid the same issues. Why was there no followup from either of these two individuals. "From those who have been given much, much is expected."
I am a PSU grad and obviously Joe should have done more. He is from a different generation that most of you don't understand. People tended to hide their "dirty laundry" That doesn't make it right. This is going to cost the University and state 10's and 10's of millions of dollars. Families will come out of the woodwork demanding money. Many will recieve settlements even though they have experienced no harm. Lawsuits for the friggin lose.

This sums it up pretty good (IMHO) :

"This is not a black eye for Penn State, it's a black eye for Sandusky.
Outsiders always say ID DO THIS AND ID DO THAT.

When you know and love somebody and know all their good sides, and find out they may have had sex with a teen, it ... kind of shocks you and ...FREEZES you when it's somebody you love and have worked with for decades.

I'm not defending. I am explaining.

It's always easy for OUTSIDERS to say what they'd do.

HOWEVER ... in the real world, did you ever notice that people NEVER do what outsiders say they would have done?

That's because, the real world works in shades of gray, and not black and white.

People are full of [censored].

These situations make the witnesses VERY worried about ruining somebody's life,just in case they didn't see what they really thought they did. "
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Al who wrote that?

I think what's going to bury Penn State is the apparent fact that they told Sandusky that he was no longer allowed to bring children onto campus, way back in 2002. That is tacit admission that they knew what he was doing.

Originally Posted By: greenjp
Al who wrote that?

I think what's going to bury Penn State is the apparent fact that they told Sandusky that he was no longer allowed to bring children onto campus, way back in 2002. That is tacit admission that they knew what he was doing.


Its Tom Looney on fox sports radio. He is a PSU grad. Its a personal reply. He is very articulate.

Joe will be gone by the end of the year.
Penn State, Ohio State, etc..
Look close enough, and all have infractions minor to major.
Under the false guise of being non professional and not paid, all sorts of things happen under the wire.
Originally Posted By: mechtech2
Penn State, Ohio State, etc..
Look close enough, and all have infractions minor to major.
Under the false guise of being non professional and not paid, all sorts of things happen under the wire.

The guilty were all well paid professional (State Government) Workers.
Originally Posted By: Al
Originally Posted By: mechtech2
Penn State, Ohio State, etc..
Look close enough, and all have infractions minor to major.
Under the false guise of being non professional and not paid, all sorts of things happen under the wire.

The guilty were all well paid professional (State Government) Workers.

Don't disagree, but define well paid.
On one hand, you want sentimentally to be in favor of Paterno, but like Dan Rather, Rooney, and a host of others, you have to realize at some point that you've had a great run, you're not irreplaceable and change is good. Let someone else have a chance rather than hog it all for yourself. If you let people stay in their jobs too long, these things happen, regardless of whether it is business, sports or politics.

I remember a few years ago, Paterno was being criticized for lowering recruiting standards to sign great athletes who turned out to be criminals to a greater degree than the norm). Paterno seems on one hand to able to keep up the image of running a clean program while at the same time have an attitude that if its not illegal, it is ok.
Originally Posted By: Eddie
And how does this relate to our vehicles?

Where do you think Pennzoil comes from?
Originally Posted By: Eddie
And how does this relate to our vehicles?

Would you stop posting this ! Please.

You are in the G&OT forum

Sad day for the families of the abused and assaulted.

I went to Penn State ,and it is disturbing to say the least.

I'm pretty shocked that people that clearly witnessed these crimes didn't not go to the authorities and let them know.
Surprising and depressing.
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It's horrific that Joe Paterno even knew of this and allegedly reported it to the AD.

NOTHING happened! Man, you'd think they would be all over this.

Absolutely disgusting.
IMO Joepa was acting very selfishly...his actions were to protect his football program, NOT to protect the innocent victims of this scum bag predator.

Shouldn't come as a surprise really, what other coach hangs on till he is clearly past it, keeping the young fresh blood from moving up the ranks and beginning a new era for themselves...all for what? Some simpleton wins record? Paterno should have retired ten years ago if he really cared for the school and not himself and HIS football program.
I honestly think that Joepa's age and mental state may have been failing for the past ten years..not that this is any excuse, he has many advisors around him he should have stepped down at least a decade ago.

Of course we don't know the full story yet, so I'm not making snap judgements on him.
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