PC finally too old


Mar 7, 2008
South Central US
I bought my PC back in 2017. Since then, I upgraded the PSU, and graphics card, and added another 32gb of ram.

It began:

32gb 2133ms----64gb
500w PSU--->850 gold+ PSU

Anyway, it's no longer pulling the performance I want, so...

Gtx 4080 Super
32gb 5600ms

Im proud to have gotten 7 years of use out of it with minor plug and play upgrades. How long do you all usually get from a PC?
Mine is 2018. i7-8700 with 32GB RAM and a 1660ti GPU. It started with 8GB and a 1050ti. So I've bumped the PSU, the GPU, RAM, and added a Blu-Ray player. The 2TB old school hard drive is taxed and it takes 10-15 minutes to fully start up now. It's still a champ and running games on a 1080 42" curved monitor. I want to move to 4k on a 40" screen, so I'm going to need to move up this fall. So my answer is six years. I could prolly go until late 2025 (when GTA6 might come out), but we'll see how anxious I get....
I bought my PC back in 2017. Since then, I upgraded the PSU, and graphics card, and added another 32gb of ram.

It began:

32gb 2133ms----64gb
500w PSU--->850 gold+ PSU

Anyway, it's no longer pulling the performance I want, so...

Gtx 4080 Super
32gb 5600ms

Im proud to have gotten 7 years of use out of it with minor plug and play upgrades. How long do you all usually get from a PC?
Windows 10/11 or something else?
That "old" thing is like 50x better than this laptop of mine with an older i5 and 8gb of ram and I think it's great. 64gb of ram is an infinite amount to me.
Mine is 2018. i7-8700 with 32GB RAM and a 1660ti GPU. It started with 8GB and a 1050ti. So I've bumped the PSU, the GPU, RAM, and added a Blu-Ray player. The 2TB old school hard drive is taxed and it takes 10-15 minutes to fully start up now. It's still a champ and running games on a 1080 42" curved monitor. I want to move to 4k on a 40" screen, so I'm going to need to move up this fall. So my answer is six years. I could prolly go until late 2025 (when GTA6 might come out), but we'll see how anxious I get....
I have several older computers around the house, switching to ssd boot drives has made everything easier. Hate to wait for all of the drivers to load on some of the older systems. Good luck with yours.
uh what applications are you running where it's not performing up to snuff? high res elden ring on a 42" screen?
6-8 years on average with a GPU upgrade halfway through the cycle.

My opinion only, but to balance out that beast (14900k +4080 Super) I would suggest going straight for 64GB of memory in a 32x2 kit. You already have high-end parts, so that'll balance out the rest of the system . Even basic gaming PC's are 32GB now.
Until I get bored, usually once a year or every other year depending on the new stuff; usually GPU every generation and CPU/mobo every other gen. I give my "old" hardware to my younger brother so I can have an excuse to get new stuff lol.
I do too! It's the same with getting a new phone for me. The set up, the deleting the bloat ware - all takes me a week or more.
An android phone can be a pita, I agree, but windows is child's play.
Get yourself a 4GB or bigger USB stick, download Microsoft media installation tool which will guide you though creating a bootable USB drive with your version of Windows and do a fresh install. You will have a nice, clean and bloatware free PC in less than an hour.
I bought my PC back in 2017. Since then, I upgraded the PSU, and graphics card, and added another 32gb of ram.
Im proud to have gotten 7 years of use out of it with minor plug and play upgrades. How long do you all usually get from a PC?
You have plenty of horsepower there. The problem is most likely Windows. I get 10+ years from PCs. It's not like the 1990s when computers got twice as fast every year and we were constantly upgrading. Linux, unlike Windows, doesn't over time gradually consume the hard disk with crap and get incrementally slower. If you absolutely must keep running Windows, wipe/reformat the system/OS partition and reinstall, and that often restores performance. It at least worth a try before you bite the bullet and start replacing perfectly good hardware.
You have plenty of horsepower there. The problem is most likely Windows. I get 10+ years from PCs. It's not like the 1990s when computers got twice as fast every year and we were constantly upgrading. Linux, unlike Windows, doesn't over time gradually consume the hard disk with crap and get incrementally slower. If you absolutely must keep running Windows, wipe/reformat the system/OS partition and reinstall, and that often restores performance. It at least worth a try before you bite the bullet and start replacing perfectly good hardware.

If he went from a 1080 to a 4060 to a 4080 super, it's safe to say that he plays games. 7 years after it's release, an i7-7700k is fine for office processing tasks but won't hold a candle to a z790 system.