One in four homebuyers want to move, here are the top ten cities they want to move to.

I also believe the ones fleeing Cal are the productive types that want a change for the better. The majority I believe see that they don't want to replicate the Cal disaster here. If even 60% believe that, then its a net gain for TX values.
That has not been my experience here for most of the ones fleeing the northeast. They might go to work in the morning but beyond that there opinions of what govco should and should not do don't align. There are exceptions of course. For you I hope its different.
That has not been my experience here for most of the ones fleeing the northeast. They might go to work in the morning but beyond that there opinions of what govco should and should not do don't align. There are exceptions of course. For you I hope its different.
I think it is:

There's someone who made the comment on a local news article about how he and his fellow "Yankees" from the northeast are making Northern Virginia better....apparently by turning it into what they left.
That's the problem with allowing people to move in, they vote the same as what they left. Anyone moving in from a blue city or state shouldn't be allowed to vote for 20 years.
That's the problem with allowing people to move in, they vote the same as what they left. Anyone moving in from a blue city or state shouldn't be allowed to vote for 20 years.

Sounds like a country who is currently at war with another country......right now.
That's the problem with allowing people to move in, they vote the same as what they left. Anyone moving in from a blue city or state shouldn't be allowed to vote for 20 years.
Yep, thats the problem here. Nice enough folks, but they complain loudly that the roads are bad, that the schools are bad, that people shouldn't be allowed to live in trailers or drive crappy old cars because it bothers them when they drive by.

I ask them why they moved here because that's all been that way forever, and they immediately announce because taxes are so much lower. And it still doesn't click.
That's the problem with allowing people to move in, they vote the same as what they left. Anyone moving in from a blue city or state shouldn't be allowed to vote for 20 years.
It always amazes me that people move out of NYC to the suburbs and then vote for the same policies that caused them to leave.
They wonder why the water levels are dropping in Lake Meade, as the city in the desert continues to grow..
You, sir, are ill informed. I'd suggest you do a Google search as to where the lion's share of the water from Lake Mead goes. Las Vegas usage has only a tiny role in the water level, and much of that used water is returned after processing.
That being said, developments with water features like man made lakes and golf courses make no sense to me here.
You, sir, are ill informed. I'd suggest you do a Google search as to where the lion's share of the water from Lake Mead goes. Las Vegas usage has only a tiny role in the water level, and much of that used water is returned after processing.
That being said, developments with water features like man made lakes and golf courses make no sense to me here.
I know Vegas only gets a share of the water and it is increasing as the city grows. I also know that alot of water goes into California.
Well, Google factoid says that since 2002 Las Vegas has grown by 48%. Since then, water usage from Lake Mead has gone down by 26%. So your knowledge of increased water usage as the city grows is intuitively correct, but not factually correct.
There have been a lot of conservation measures. Decorative grass areas are banned. Any in place are being changed out for desert landscaping. No grandfathering is allowed. Individual homes have a water usage limit and there are huge charges if you go over.
You are right that California gets most of the water. More evaporates in their irrigation canals than Nevada uses total. Nevada allocation from Lake Mead is only 2% of the water used after credit for returned water is made.
But one other consideration. Can you imagine how low the Lake would be if not for all the barrels filled with bodies at the bottom taking up space? We should all thank the wiseguys the Lake isn't even lower.
Well, Google factoid says that since 2002 Las Vegas has grown by 48%. Since then, water usage from Lake Mead has gone down by 26%. So your knowledge of increased water usage as the city grows is intuitively correct, but not factually correct.
There have been a lot of conservation measures. Decorative grass areas are banned. Any in place are being changed out for desert landscaping. No grandfathering is allowed. Individual homes have a water usage limit and there are huge charges if you go over.
You are right that California gets most of the water. More evaporates in their irrigation canals than Nevada uses total. Nevada allocation from Lake Mead is only 2% of the water used after credit for returned water is made.
But one other consideration. Can you imagine how low the Lake would be if not for all the barrels filled with bodies at the bottom taking up space? We should all thank the wiseguys the Lake isn't even lower.
On the good side, the lake rose 40' this year, so hopefully it continues to rise.