Music Question - JigSaw, Sky High

If you are talking about the sound at 2:30, it is a French Horn. At 2:20 all I hear are a prominent Trumpet and Trombone sections with a full orchestra behind them.

At around the 2.20 mark, there seems to be a trumpet or similar wind instrument playing. Am I right?

A full section. Trumpets and trombones with the bass trombone laying’ it out like it should be. It is buried deep in the track and I didn’t listen close enough or long enough, nor do I want to, to determine if there is a saxophone section too. I spent 48 years as a hard working professional trombone player in Chicago involved in the jazz and commercial scene. I played thousands of gigs in my life. So in case you are wondering how I know…….strings in the track too.
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The reason for my question is that in the video there are two guitarists, a keyboard player and the drummer/vocalist. The trumpet sounds were added on later during editing?