Motorcraft vs ST filters

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Feb 25, 2006
Inwood newyork
Changed oil and filter on my 98 f150 2000 miles ago. Motorcraft filter and ST syn. oil,5w30.4.6 engine.Started to get slite valve tap first start in morning.Oil dark tan, not black or gray.Just for heck of it spun on st ecore filter and added quart.No more tap and oil pressure is slighty higher on gauge.What Gives? Heard alot of bad press about ecore filters.
I think even the very best brands of filters have a bad ADBV sometimes. How are you on Motor crafts, 99 out of a 100 good? Motor craft is usually Purolator. I would watch them as the Bosch buyout unsettles things.
Relax. Rare occurrance unless you routinely use Frams. Like labman said, none of them are perfect 100% of the time.
Well, let me qualify that statement "if you go long enough". Every Fram or rebadged Fram that I've had eventually produces startup rattle. Most here are being pressed to go 5k in the UOA section and they probably use other filters. It may not do it in all engine configurations.
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