Minutemen to Patrol Boarder

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Very cool.
About time we get our act together and control these borders. Are we not the greatest give away country?
It's certainly going to send a message to the top about the public's feelings on the issue.

Good thing...
Excellent! It's a very American attribute to take hold of a situation and fix it ourselves....instead of waiting for the government. As long as the organizers keep an eye on any wacko's that may enter the ranks, it should be a very interesting experiment. I hope it's a success at protecting our borders. If I lived down there I would consider doing it myself.
I've heard of this a while back but it's great they are now implementing the plan. I have relatives close to that part of AZ and they have spoken before about the crime, theft and BS these illegals are doing in that area. IMO It should be shoot on site!!
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