Looks Like WalMart ST House Brand Phase Out

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Yes I like my job, but some customers are driving me crazy

It's paying like a normal student job in Québec(8$can/hour), most of the people who are working there are fun people, they like their job(me too), but I wouldnt pass my entire life working there!

Not all stuff are crap, but if you don't want to pay a high price for a quality thing there will be something out for you at wal mart. Some things we sell are very good product(mobil 1, castrol syntec..), but I don't like it when I see people who only want things with no quality: like tech 2000 oil for 3.98$ a 4L when you can buy castrol gtx 4.4L for 8.48!

You have to work there to see how many people dont care about what they buy, oftenly people ask me if I have cheaper batteries for their car(I live in a place where in winter you see -35C).It is almost sure that their car wouldn't start with this, this is what p!ss me the most of my job, and even if you explain them that those batteries won't do the job well they still want to buy the cheapest one.

Originally posted by Morphector:
I'm working part-time in a Wal-mart in Canada, ...

Geez, I guess that makes you an expert in retail marketing.
I've been to 5 Walmarts in the Northern California area and none of them have the ST 3593A filter in stock. At the Walmart I shop at its about 10% ST and 90% Fram.
Listen to Morphector, he knows what he is talking about. It have been to many Walmarts and everything he says ring's true. The cheapest things sell. Walmart used to sell AC Delco and Fram. Frame was always cheaper so they sold out while the AC Delco sat on the shelv. Results, no more AC Delco. If the Super Tech filters are not on the shelf its because the either don't sell or people perceive them as inferior to the Frame at around the same price.

If the Super tech and frames are the same, why would someone buy a Super tech if they know its the walmart cheap brand? While some may think they are better than Frame (and they may be), walmart is making a killing selling them on the el-cheap.

I know someone with a 35,000 truck and he will only use the cheapest gas, oil and filters he can find. He does not care about brand names, if its on sale, he's a buying and stocking up. He usually keeps his vehicle till they fall apart and they do. His last truck was a 1994 and its in the junk yard with less than 150,000 miles. He bought all he could from Walmart, too bad they don't have an auto service center in the store here. But its coming in about a year, Walmart is fighting with the the state over wetlands and mitigation. All the local are po'd, all the work is going to be done by out of state contractors. The other year they had a bunch of roaming roofers working on the Walmarts. I guess the kept local law enforcement busy. Most could not speak English and looked like criminals.
A garage in a Wal-Mart isn't very lucrative...

90 to 95% of the people only take the cheapest oil change possible: 19,97$can with pennzoil 5w30 or 10w30, we are making profits of 7$ approx(some cars that is 2$ and some 12$) for the labour.

I'll detail you over "what you pay" when they change your oil:
-1,50$(oil recuperation)
-4X1.77$=7.08(an example of a car wich take 4 quart of pennzoil 10w30 or 5w30)
-1x3.27 price of a normal filter

thats 11.85$ for the stuff
8.12$ is going for the labour
total of 19,97$

normaly a guy can do 2-3 oil change in an hour... that isnt paying very well considering it's never full!

That's why we HAVE to offer you some goodies:
-5$ for vip(road assistancefor 4 months+we full liquids, transmission,prestone,power steering and window washing)
-10$ for rince engine, slick 50 professional
-always offer the customer to change his air filter,and wiper!
-offer the "summer special" 59.97, injector washing+oil change+rince

We always perform an inspection of all fluids in the car, if one fluid is ****ty we offer the service of changing it!

My manager hate days when we are only selling the 19,97 oil change...

Today I had a note that I have to sell a minimum of 140$ of labour for today,2 guys in the garage at 18$/hour(were sunday, they are paid time and half) 2*8*18=288$, so a garage in a wal-mart is not something that is paying very well..
Yes they count that the customers will do shopping...
And the price of the piece still include a bit of profits for the Wal-Mart store...

There is about 25% profits on anything in a wal-mart!
I just visited a WalMart Super Center here in the middle of South Carolina and it's true, the number of stocked ST oil filters are shrinking and the Fram orange has taken over. In Kmart, there is nothing but Fram oil and air filters. The big orange TV ad campaign must be working.
I thought I would bump this. It looks like each Wallys has a different approach. I've been to two smaller Wallys in the last month. One of them has not restocked the Super techs in at least 6 weeks, the other had a number of the ones I use (ST-2, 3593a).

I guess a trip to customer service at the store would be the best way to get their attention.
Heh, there was an older gentleman with a F4am filter in his hand at the local Wally World on Sunday. I tried to explain to him why he should buy the Super Tech instead of the pretty orange box. He looked at me like I was nuts!
His son looked at me and smiled, picked up a Super Tech and walked away. The old man kept staring at the orange wall, as if some force was luring him into purchasing it's evil wares................
Fram has taken over my Wallmart. The only filter they carry now is Fram. They have thousands of them. When they carried AC Delco they hid them in a corner.

Originally posted by GROUCHO MARX:
Wal-Mart is supposed to have the most advanced supply chain/inventory control technology.

Obviously a lot of weak links in the automotive departments.

I'll say. When I asked an *** 't mgr about stocking more Chevron Supreme and that I'd be willing to buy a few cases of the 5w-20 and 5w-30 if they put it on the shelf, I never heard back. He asked for my name and number but never bothered following up with me. And the shelves are still only sporting a few lonely quarts of CHevron Supreme 10w-30.

"I'll say. When I asked an *** 't mgr about stocking more Chevron Supreme and that I'd be willing to buy a few cases of the 5w-20 and 5w-30 if they put it on the shelf, I never heard back. He asked for my name and number but never bothered following up with me. "

Mikep, make sure the guy knows you want HIS name. Write it down in front of him.
I'm seeing Fram take over as well.
Depending on the size, Fram, ACDelco, and another company were making the ST filters anyway, so the SuperTech brand was actually "competing" with it's own makers. This may have had something to do with the decision to change it's marketing.

Originally posted by Holden McRoin:
I'm seeing Fram take over as well.
Depending on the size, Fram, ACDelco, and another company were making the ST filters anyway, so the SuperTech brand was actually "competing" with it's own makers. This may have had something to do with the decision to change it's marketing.

ST's are made by champion labs, which also makes mobil 1 oil filters, bosch, deutch, car and driver, STP, K&N, and most AC Delco filters
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