Let's make a list of the 10 worst GM cars ever

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Toyota has not attempted to Lexize the Corolla.

That is true, however think of the first generations of "Lexus" and a dressed up 1991 Camry

. . .


Of course it was. They're still doing this today, several generations of car later. The ES series of today, in the form of the ES-350, is just very well dressed V-6 Camry. Personally, I can see a valid reason for this car to exist (not that I'd want one), but I have a hard time seeing a Corolla hammered into some semblance of Lexus form. I do suppose it might be interesting to see a "micro luxury" car from a maker like Lexus, but the Cimarron was proof that successfully ramping a small econobox into true luxury form takes a great amount of upward revision.
Fire?? That's a new one to mee!! Never heard of that one before.

Actually the fire problems were mostly with the 84's. They made some changes in 85 and by 88 they were actually a very nice car. I have owned 8 of them.
The 88 Fiero GTs with the 3.8 were actually excellent cars. They had worked all the bugs out and those cars ripped and handled excellent. typical GM get it right then kill it. Very nice cars you got there Ross.

I am shocked that no one has listed my cars on the gm list:

I also noticed the Fiero was conspicuous by its absence; it tends to turn up on these lists all the time. But I don't mind. I always secretly liked driving a car people are afraid of!

Fiero was a 2.8 not 3.8. I had an '85 Fiero 2M6 that gave many an IROC-Z a run for it's money in it's day! Fun car.
I dated a girl back in high school who drove a late 70's Monza. If i remember correctly, the hood stayed up on it quite often. It may have had a V8, and could get down the road when needed.

The Corvair was well before my time. I have to admit that I really like the look of them. It reminds me of the BMW 2002, in a way. Here is a 6 minute promotional film or commercial about the 1960 Corvair. It is really well done.

They really play up the off road capabilities of the car in this, believe it or not. If I'd seen this commercial, I'd have definitely wanted to check it out. I'll also add that people I know who had one all remember it as a fun car.

Strange, they really play-up the aspects that Ralph Nader later Flamed the car for ie. Rollover, poor Handling and Poor impact protection??

The Corvair was well before my time. I have to admit that I really like the look of them. It reminds me of the BMW 2002, in a way. Here is a 6 minute promotional film or commercial about the 1960 Corvair. It is really well done.

They really play up the off road capabilities of the car in this, believe it or not. If I'd seen this commercial, I'd have definitely wanted to check it out. I'll also add that people I know who had one all remember it as a fun car.

Finally, some love for the Corvair.
I find it quite humorous all the slamming the Corvair is getting here, and yet I wonder how many actually owned one...and a high school buddy who had one or a dad who didn't know how to work on one don't count!
I wonder if the Corvair was sooooo bad, why did Don Yenko use it to create nearly 200 Yenko Stingers in the mid-late 1960's?? Hmmmm....some of those Stingers are still racing Solo 2 ( Racin' Vairs) and kicking the collective arses of cars built 30 years later. And gee, I've owned 2 Corvairs in my 20 years of driving in the winter WITH THE HEAT ON and I'm living proof (along with the other 5000+ members of the Corvair Society of America) that the "poisonous heater switch" is yet another myth.
My dad's had 3, and 3 of my brothers have had a total of 5 (and all of them are still breathing). Oh, and as an important note that usually goes unnoticed, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration exonerated the Corvair in 1972 (Google it). Now if you'll all excuse me, I've got a date with my mistress.

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Mmmm, more Corvair love! Yours looks just like this one which was parked next to me at the local cruise night a couple years ago:


Gotta love that 65+ body style!
Very nice. Give me a few more months and I can show you another great looking and great running CORVAIR.

Check the site frequently for progress..............
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