Last call

Dec 15, 2002
Retiredville SC
Yesterday, at 0700, was my last 10-7 call in uniform. Did about a minute speech on radio thanking lots of folks and leaving advice for those still on the job. About lost it a couple times, but held it together til I finished. Responses on air tied up the channel for quite some time afterwards. Oops. Wife videoed me in my cruiser doing it and posted to her FaceBook page. Lost count of the responses. Thats when I finally broke down. Tomorrow I will be officially retired from law enforcement. 39 years and 9 months. Saw and did a lot. Heck of a ride. Hope I made a difference.
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Yesterday, at 0700, was my last 10-7 call in uniform. Did about a minute speech on radio thanking lots of folks and leaving advice for those still on the job. About lost it a couple times, but held it together til I finished. Responses on air tied up the channel for quite some time afterwards. Oops. Wife videoed me in my cruiser doing it and posted to her FaceBook page. Lost count of the responses. Thats when I finally broke down. I will be officially retired from law enforcement. 39 years and 9 months. Saw and did a lot. Heck of a ride. Hope I made a difference.

I kid of course. I'm 10 years in at the moment. Might make it to 20 but that will be about it, I'll be approaching 60 and that will be enough.

Congrats on a long career and getting out!
My last day was pretty similar. My son was taking some last day pictures of me in front of the cruiser and suddenly I was sobbing. Didn’t see it coming at all.

Congratulations on a great career. You will miss parts of it for sure. I’ve told many people you never stop being a cop, you just don’t do the job anymore.

I’m just shy of 8 years retired and I don’t think about it or miss it near as much as I used to. Can’t imagine doing it again but no regrets.
39+ years is a long and honorable career. Thank you for your impressive service to your community and fellow citizens.

I assure you - you made more than a difference. You had a huge impact.

Well done, Sir! Now, enjoy the retirement for which you have worked so hard.

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Bravo Zulu Sir!

Now 'go where you wanna go and do what you wanna do'.


Super Yacht Times
Congratulations. Retirement is a strange business. It didn't feel normal for at least 6 months. And I dreamed about work a couple of times a week for about 2 years (and still do occasionally).

I actually enjoyed doing the little things in life (like going grocery shopping) that I mostly hadn't had time for.

But now I can't imagine going back to work, don't where I found the time for work.
Enjoy your retirement and thanks for helping to keep things safe for the rest of us!

Now you can watch all those old Clint Eastwood movies , again, without being disturbed 🙂.

Happy retirement.
Congratulations to you on your retirement and thank you for the work you put in. I cant imagine how insane it is in certain metros.

Time to relax and enjoy yourself
Yesterday, at 0700, was my last 10-7 call in uniform. Did about a minute speech on radio thanking lots of folks and leaving advice for those still on the job. About lost it a couple times, but held it together til I finished. Responses on air tied up the channel for quite some time afterwards. Oops. Wife videoed me in my cruiser doing it and posted to her FaceBook page. Lost count of the responses. Thats when I finally broke down. Tomorrow I will be officially retired from law enforcement. 39 years and 9 months. Saw and did a lot. Heck of a ride. Hope I made a difference.
Congratulations to you!!

Way to go and thank you.

My next property neighbor is LE Retired. Different guy now. Adding more years to his life every day.

Good luck and bless you sir.
Thanks to everyone for their heartfelt sentiments, I really appreciate them all. It was truly an honor to serve my community and help folks out. I feel good that I was able to do my duty in an easy going and compassionate way. Had to get heavy-handed on a few occasions, but blessed that nothing really hairy happened and I survived rather unscathed. Apologies for alluding to inappropriate language regarding TIMS day. Let's call it Turn In My Stuff day. Hard to break old cop habits such as speaking in miscreant 😁.
Congratulations for a great career in law enforcement and retirement.

Your community was grateful for your service.

For those interested in seeing what the crusty old cop and his trusty copilot look like. "Babe" rode with me my entire time at recent department. Everyone liked the pig in the car ;). Avatar has changed to as Jimmy said "Go where the weather suits my clothes".
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