Is this the end of Hollywood?

Owen Lucas

$100 Site Donor 2023
Sep 5, 2021
Open AI's text-to-video service SORA can make real life videos that many think will replace Hollywood.

The Screen Actors Guild must feel a little redundant right now.

YouTube has already taken some of the wind out of Tinseltown's sails by allowing the general public to become famous just by posting videos filmed on an iPhone. Millionaires and celebrities have been created without the blessing of Hollywood gatekeepers. Soon, you will be able to create a movie just by typing a few paragraphs.

No need for millions of dollars in movie equipment, props, sets, and best of all...actors!

This video was 100% made with a prompt:

I just made the below image on in 5 seconds. I can't wait to make my own movies!

Oil Filter House.jpg
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I've just started messing around with AI image generation. It's not as easy as some think but once you get the feel of it, it becomes very easy. I don't think it AI generation in film will replace anything but it'll 100% work with it. It will still require something to create the "models/ver" and lots of colorful words.
I like that house. I won't live in a house unless there are a lot of pleats. Nobody wants torn walls.

Open AI's text-to-video service SORA can make real life videos that many think will replace Hollywood.

The Screen Actors Guild must feel a little redundant right now.

YouTube has already taken some of the wind out of Tinseltown's sails by allowing the general public to become famous just by posting videos filmed on an iPhone. Millionaires and celebrities have been created without the blessing of Hollywood gatekeepers. Soon, you will be able to create a movie just by typing a few paragraphs.

No need for millions of dollars in movie equipment, props, sets, and best of all...actors!

This video was 100% made with a prompt:

I just made the below image on in 5 seconds. I can't wait to make my own movies!

View attachment 203981
The New York Times is suing the AI industry. I believe they will win their lawsuit. You can't just go out and scrape the internet for all its content then use that content to feed your AI model for free. It violates fair use.

When they win, everyone that ever made content for anything will sue every AI company, and it will end up in the Supreme Court. We shall see what happens then.

But the same philosophy applies to the movie business. You can't scrape a million copyrighted videos then use that as the base training to create an AI video for free. Or maybe you can, in which case all new unique thought will end.

Call me crazy. Wife and I always enjoy watching movies 🍿 in the comfort of our home with properly set up equipment. We watch maybe more movies than any TV series. Our time limited to maybe 3 hours in an evening is the only time the TV is on.

Over the last several years the movies coming out of Hollywood seem to be now an insignificant amount compared to what we watch.
The majority seem to be from the E/U, Asia and Canada. We REALLY have been enjoying overseas stuff.
Funny thing is many times American actors are in overseas movies too but I could care less if they are or not.
I hate to say it at the expense of annoying some but I could care less about Hollywood anymore. Their high and mighty personalities have lost me forever. There are many great actors/talent/directors around the world and streaming opened that door.
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Hollywood hasn’t been making many original movies lately. They just keep remaking the same superhero films which I never got into but it must be what makes money. When was the last time a good comedy came out? Hopefully AI has a sense of humor and can write a good, funny movie.
Call me crazy. Wife and I always enjoy watching movies 🍿 in the comfort of our home with properly set up equipment. We watch maybe more movies than any TV series. Our time limited to maybe 3 hours in an evening is the only time the TV is on.

Over the last several years the movies coming out of Hollywood seem to be now an insignificant amount compared to what we watch.
The majority seem to be from the E/U, Asia and Canada. We REALLY have been enjoying overseas stuff.
Funny thing is many times American actors are in overseas movies too but I could care less if they are or not.
I hate to say it at the expense of annoying some but I could care less about Hollywood anymore. Their high and mighty personalities have lost me forever. Their are many great actors/talent/directors around the world and streaming opened that door.
I agree, foreign films seem way more plausible. I really can't stand anything Hollywood for the last 10 years, its completely unbelievable. I am not talking even action - even Drama. Not even an attempt to make it realistic. I do like the 30 year old movies - maybe its generational.

My family used to like going to the theatre. It was more an outing than the movie. We don't have enough room for a dedicated theatre space so that might be part of it.
Preoccupation with Hollywood? Resentment of those who seem so well insulated?

Things have changed over the years. NY, Toronto, Mexico, Europe et. al. are production locals.
Hollywood makes sequels of 'action movies' for other markets, I've heard.
Even TV is made with international distribution in mind. It isn't 1935 anymore.

Communicate with other consumers and patronize good films.