I was beside myself at Christmas

Nov 20, 2006
MA, Mittelfranken.de
I have been having a warbler since Christmas day. We went to my wife's daughters house, he boyfriend was there who I like and get along well with.
He had a 2015 Mini Cooper S 2.0T 6spd manual with 85K on it, the car was mint with lots of work done over the last 2 years (tires, brakes, shocks, etc).
It threw the money light a few weeks ago and he was PO'd and bought a new Bronco. They gave him a minimal discount on it and gave him $200 for the mini (that is right two hundred dollars). He said he didn't think I would want that car ...
I came home and tried to jump out the window but it is only 4 feet off the lawn. I cant win. LOL
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that has happened to me before and honestly imho on purpose. I had a 1998 Maxima SE and a friend’s brother traded in the family’s 1999 GLE for $500. They knew I have one and worked on it myself. I think folks on purpose avoid giving these problem cars to friends and family to avoid bad feelings. My .02

Ps my cousin sold a 10 yo M3 for $4000 and he told me specifically I’m not selling it to you it’s in need of too many repairs it’s not worth it for you. He was Frank. Most won’t be
I have been having a warbler since Christmas day. We went to my wife's daughters house, he boyfriend was there who I like and get along well with.
He had a 2015 Mini Cooper S 2.0T 6spd manual with 85K on it, the car was mint with lots of work done over the last 2 years (tires, brakes, shocks, etc).
It threw the money light a few weeks ago and he was PO'd and bought a new Bronco. They gave him a minimal discount on it and gave him $200 for the mini (that is right two hundred dollars). He said he didn't think I would want that car.
I came home and tried to jump out the window but it is only 4 feet of the lawn. I cant win. LOL
Wow I'm surprised that he took $200 as an acceptable amount. When I worked for a local VW dealership we were generous on the trade in and showed the amount. Unfortunately we actually had many a customer with total beaters that actually weren't worth anything. I'd pull him aside and tell him not to use that dealership for anything again.
He had a turbo problem before and just panicked it was going to cost thousands being down on power again. The best part is he bought a Ford. LOL
He might need help filling out that dealership feedback form …
(that goes to corporate) …
A long time ago my old boss' and his wife turned in a cherry early Monte Carlo ('70 maybe) on a Chrysler MiniVan. They thought the engine was tired. They literally gave it to the dealer. The car was beautiful. I could have swapped a crate 350. I'm still crying over that one.
I gave away a 93 Ford ranger in 2007 for $250 to the local Chrysler stealership, she was a beater truck but could easily sold for 800 bucks. young and dumb what 19 year old needed to come home with a Chrysler 300 and a monthly payment of $425?
Wife's daughters boyfriend .
He had a 2015 Mini Cooper S 2.0T 6spd manual with 85K on it.
It threw the money light a few weeks ago and he was PO'd and bought a new Bronco.

Two things to note:

1 - He was looking for a reason to buy a Bronco, and the Mini finally gave it to him.
No one switches from a Mini to a Bronco completely out of the blue.

2 - He bought a Ford.
He's not the best when it comes to decision making in your experiences with him, is he?