I want to like the Samsung Galaxt Tablet

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Staff member
Dec 14, 2002
New Jersey
I first ran into the Samsung Galaxy tablet at a display on Michigan Avenue in Chicago. It looked likea nice unit, like an ipad. Seems to have opportunities for doing more stuff than the ipad. Nice, thin, good screen, etc. After being disappointed with the galaxy S2 vs iphone 4S, I want to like this tablet. In fact, I would like to want to buy one.

But for what is essentially the same money, Im just not seeing it.

It is slightly thinner, but its not a phone - it isnt going in my pocket.
The glass smudges much more than the ipad, because it doesnt have an oleophilic coating.
The glass has been showing newton's circles at the interface between the glass and LCD.
Streaming wifi, the battery life is up to 30% less.

Im not sure that the ability to use some USB accessories and have more flexibility in the OS is worth it.

Bummed. If it was $200 cheaper, Id overlook, but not for essentially the same cost as an ipad 2. I think Ill just wait for an ipad 3 which will likely come out soon.
That, or wait until Android 4 quad core tablets become common. The Transformer Prime seems to be a bit of a dud, but I think it was rushed to be first to market. I think there will be others, perhaps with no issues.
Yeah but I'm not seeing the value proposition of the "better" android tablets.
Maybe they are, maybe not.

I like to read, surf the web, etc. before bed to calm and relax just before falling asleep (like some like to read magazines or books). My wife likes lights out and dark.

She doesnt like the light of my 13" MBA and the tapping of the keys. A tablet keyboard is virtual, the screen can be darkened further, and the screen is smaller, which means less light flux overall.

So it would be fairly optimal for what I want.
I bought a "toy" to do just that.....look at the web and read....so I bought a Kindle Fire. With Amazon's 'cloud' service, storing movies, books etc....is not a problem.

Sure it lacks a camera but I have a Nikon for that purpose. Sure it lacks a phone...I have a cheap cell phone for calls. But it sure serves me for what I want from it. Movies and old television shows look great on the device and with a good set of earphones...it sounds good! But, it won't suit everyone's needs.

Only gripes are the touch screen. The glass smudges easily.

Tablets serve a need....they aren't useless toys.
The Samsung tablet has a very nice screen, but at that price an iPad is the only choice.

The Lenovo 10" tablet model can be had for $300 on sale with 32GB internal storage. Very nice indeed given the price point. This is the best deal out there IMO. $349 is the reg price lately.
Originally Posted By: ToyotaNSaturn
The Samsung tablet has a very nice screen, but at that price an iPad is the only choice.

The Lenovo 10" tablet model can be had for $300 on sale with 32GB internal storage. Very nice indeed given the price point. This is the best deal out there IMO. $349 is the reg price lately.

What model lenovo?
ehhh. Thanks for the link though.

THink ill be waiting for an ipad 3. If sammy would have just used a smudgeproof glass like the iphone/ipad, Id probably be typing this from one right now... Im picky.
No one types directly onto the glass, you gotta get a laminate sticky that covers the glass. So many types are available on eBay...clear...non-glare, all for far less than the retail stores.
My brother does on his ipad2. There are enough other glaring issues versus the standard of the iPad that I'll wait.
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