I hope I don't get the Flu !

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May 17, 2009
N.H, U.S.A.
from: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden-averted/2017-2018.htm

This web page provides estimates on the burden of influenza in the United States for the 2017-2018 influenza season

2017-18 Burden Averted Estimates
CDC additionally uses these estimates of disease burden, in a model with vaccine coverage and vaccine effectiveness (VE), to estimate the numbers of flu illnesses, medical visits and hospitalization prevented by vaccination. From the model, CDC estimates that influenza vaccination during the 2017-2018 influenza season prevented 6.2 million illnesses, 3.2 million medical visits, 91,000 hospitalizations and 5,700 deaths associated with influenza (Table 3).

CDC estimates that influenza was associated with 45 million illnesses, 21 million medical visits, 810,000 hospitalizations, and 61,000 deaths during the 2017-2018 influenza season. This burden was higher than any season since the 2009 pandemic and serves as a reminder of how severe seasonal influenza can be.

Specifically, CDC estimates that influenza vaccination during the 2017-2018 influenza season prevented 6.2 million illnesses, 3.2 million medical visits, 91,000 hospitalizations and 5,700 deaths associated with influenza. This report underscores the benefits of the current vaccination program, but also highlights areas where improvements in vaccine uptake and vaccine effectiveness could deliver even greater benefits to the public's health.
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The flu vaccine seems to help, although not foolproof. I've been waiting to hear if the pneumonia vaccine offers any protection against the [censored] virus.
Remember that there are various strains of the "flu" and vaccines are usually comprised of one or two strains based upon modeling. They can guess wrong which reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine.
Pneumonia is a symptom not a specific pathogen. Pneumonia can be caused by any of a variety of bacteria and viruses infecting the lungs, some of which have vaccines and some don't. The "pneumonia vaccine" on the market is for a bacteria, it would have no effect against the new virus.
Flu vaccine is a joke, anyone that believes those CDC "estimates" needs a check up...

The best course of action for this virus (COVID-19) and others is "herd immunity" and not some vaccine full of chemicals and best guesses. I've never had a flu shot and haven't had the flu since I was a kid! I have two kids in grade school they don't get it either, got it once and that was it! Let nature do its thing folks.
Originally Posted by mk378
Pneumonia is a symptom not a specific pathogen. Pneumonia can be caused by any of a variety of bacteria and viruses infecting the lungs, some of which have vaccines and some don't. The "pneumonia vaccine" on the market is for a bacteria, it would have no effect against the new virus.

That's what I was afraid of, since it's called a "pneumococcal vaccine", I just didn't know if the lung failures seen with CV were all caused by virus overload, or if there could be a bacterial element involved as well. Not enough information out there yet...
I liken vaccine to putting control rods into a nuclear reactor. They can't stop every neutron-- actually very far from being able to do that-- but if it can get to a propagation rate of less than 1.0 that will break the chain reaction which dramatically changes the situation.
Originally Posted by racin4ds
The best course of action for this virus (COVID-19) and others is "herd immunity" and not some vaccine full of chemicals and best guesses. I've never had a flu shot and haven't had the flu since I was a kid! I have two kids in grade school they don't get it either, got it once and that was it! Let nature do its thing folks.

Herd immunity because of a vaccine.
Originally Posted by racin4ds
Flu vaccine is a joke, anyone that believes those CDC "estimates" needs a check up...

The best course of action for this virus (COVID-19) and others is "herd immunity" and not some vaccine full of chemicals and best guesses. I've never had a flu shot and haven't had the flu since I was a kid! I have two kids in grade school they don't get it either, got it once and that was it! Let nature do its thing folks.

Based on what?

This kind of troll post is why we can't have normal conversations.
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