I Hate the New Youtube Layout

It doesn’t look that bad to me. I think people just don’t like change.

I know you like to bring your youthful insight, knowledge, expertise and experience into many conversations I am in....

One day, you'll have many more responsibilities than you do now. You'll need to accomplish 10x as many things in a day than what you do now. IOW, you might be a little resistant to every single entity in your life "making changes".

Most of us don't need much change. We've figured out how to live life efficiently so that we can take care of all our daily responsibilities, tend to things that have to be done and must be done. We've adapted just fine to modern technology, we appreciate how useful it is, when it works, to help us do many more things faster, better and more accurately.

When those tasks are slowed, interrupted or don't get done due to "change", which was most likely implemented by someone at a giant company who is desperately trying to justify their existence at that company, we don't take kindly to that.

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The constant changes are generally not made to improve the user experience. Whether it's Ebay, YouTube, IMGUR, or whatnot, changes are made to ever so often level the playing field so that everyone has to take a couple of steps back in their comfort level and learn again and adjust. I can imagine it will irritate me more and more with increasing age. There's comfort in familiarity and that's just not acceptable. Don't get me wrong, sometimes changes are for the better but many changes are making things more complicated, obscure, or previously available features are taken away.

I'll give you one example: On IMGUR, after uploading an image you have to return to the gallery to get an image link. The image link used to be right there and you could copy it. You could also go to the image gallery with one click. For a while now, you do not get the image link options right away after uploading. Instead, you must go to the gallery and choose the image in question. It takes now much more time which adds up especially if you want to post several pictures. And don't get me started on their image uploader that is supposed to let you upload up to ten images at a time but that often fails miserably when uploading more than one picture.