Gravely ZTHD 60 was fine. I changed the blades by lifting the front with my hoist just enough to get in there, and when I finished it was very slow on the right side in fwd and rev. I had to slow the L side down maybe 20-25% to go straight. I did an air purge but no change. Belt is newish. Exam of the linkages shows nothing bent or different from L to R. I did use the mower to drag a tarp with some dirt before this, maybe 100 lbs or 200? Would that hurt these? It didn't strain or spin the tires. I have been mowing with it and there is no leaks or noises, levels stay 1/4" in the two tanks as they should. Out of warranty. Any ideas? 155 hours, service done to hydros at 75 last year with oem filters and m1 syn 15-40 oil.