HPL EC usage

Jul 23, 2014
My Toyota V6 @120K does not consume oil and has been getting a 5K OC and a XG9972 Fram Ultra @10K. I am interested in preventative maintenance on the piston oil control rings. I asked Dave the following:

What is the recommendation for adding hpl ec before doing an oil change? For a 5K oil change, shall I add it at 4K, 3K or 2K miles? The car has 120K miles and does not burn oil and I will do a near 20% ratio.

Your question does not have sufficient info to answer as it only contains a proposed mileage interval but no mention of the length of time it will take to accumulate 5000 miles.
If it takes 30 -60 days to go 5000 miles - i would go the full interval.
If it takes 12 months to go 5000 miles, i would put it in somewhere 30-90 days before the 5000 miles

I would recommend instead to invest in a higher quality engine oil that already contains components to keep engines clean.

Interesting response.
I think he is telling you it should be in there for 30-90 days, however long the oil stays in, and he wants to sell you "a higher quality engine oil that already contains components to keep engines clean", which he happens to sell.
HPL EC is intended for transitionary use. Their PCMO, HDMO, and Euro oils clean more aggressively than the EC. To avoid overwhelming the filter with too much carbonaceous particles too quickly, the EC provides a milder cleaning effect to cut down on large buildups of deposits before transitioning to a more aggressively cleaning oil. It can be used solely for cleaning, and has shown good results in doing so, just not the intention behind the formula.

It's expected to see the oxidation rate accelerate with EC as it cleans. The effect it would have is more a matter of time than miles, hence his recommendation.
My Toyota V6 @120K does not consume oil and has been getting a 5K OC and a XG9972 Fram Ultra @10K. I am interested in preventative maintenance on the piston oil control rings. I asked Dave the following:


If it takes 30 -60 days to go 5000 miles - i would go the full interval.
If it takes 12 months to go 5000 miles, i would put it in somewhere 30-90 days before the 5000 miles

I would recommend instead to invest in a higher quality engine oil that already contains components to keep engines clean.

Interesting response.
I'm not sure it's interesting, I think it's reasonably straightforward:
- If you want to use the EC, run it for 30-90 days
- If you are interested in some more in-depth cleaning, use an oil that has that capability (which would be any of the @High Performance Lubricants oils)

The EC is designed to be a preparatory product before you use their engine oils, which can liberate significant material. Using the EC first reduces the risk of filter plugging from this, since its cleaning is much milder than that of the engine oil.
I'm not sure it's interesting, I think it's reasonably straightforward:
- If you want to use the EC, run it for 30-90 days
- If you are interested in some more in-depth cleaning, use an oil that has that capability (which would be any of the @High Performance Lubricants oils)

The EC is designed to be a preparatory product before you use their engine oils, which can liberate significant material. Using the EC first reduces the risk of filter plugging from this, since its cleaning is much milder than that of the engine oil.

I used a quart of the HPL EC cleaner 1 quart with 3.5 quarts Rotella T5 10w30. Of course my duratech isn’t that dirty
I bought a six pack of HPL EC planning to substitute it for a quart of oil in the warm weather OCI. It might go 4 or 5 months in some of my vehicles which don't get driven as much lately. This is more of a PM thing as all of our family vehicles get regular 5 to 7K OCIs with synthetic oils and look very clean through the oil cap. Does my plan sound good or is the 30-90 day recommendation absolute?
I bought a six pack of HPL EC planning to substitute it for a quart of oil in the warm weather OCI. It might go 4 or 5 months in some of my vehicles which don't get driven as much lately. This is more of a PM thing as all of our family vehicles get regular 5 to 7K OCIs with synthetic oils and look very clean through the oil cap. Does my plan sound good or is the 30-90 day recommendation absolute?

I wouldn't overthink this honestly. If you've been consistent with your oil changes.

I switched immediately to the HPL passenger car oil and had no issues.
Since when did the number of days become a thing with EC?

My understanding if you use it a 20% ratio of is safe. It needs heat to do its thing.

Also the mileage run recommendation for a few miles is a liability thing as HPL has no idea what condition every engine is in. Hence they will give a conservative estimate. The moment they say 5K miles a filter will plug up from an extremely filthy engine and blame HPL.

Remember HPL EC is a fully formulated oil with added ester.
Thanks for the reply. If I’m a betting man I’d say your engine is clean clean clean. Probably no reason for HPL. However, I’d add a 1/2qt of the HPL for the full 5k and sleep well. I’d use the second 1/2qt at the next OCi.
When u say HPL, u mean HPL EC? Am I correct?
I just bought 6 qts of HPL EC. I think Dave’s comment 30-90 days is conservative and errors on the side of caution.
Since when did the number of days become a thing with EC?

My understanding if you use it a 20% ratio of is safe. It needs heat to do its thing.

Also the mileage run recommendation for a few miles is a liability thing as HPL has no idea what condition every engine is in. Hence they will give a conservative estimate. The moment they say 5K miles a filter will plug up from an extremely filthy engine and blame HPL.

Remember HPL EC is a fully formulated oil with added ester.
First time I heard time being limited but I agree being conservative is best for HPL when giving a recommendation without knowing the condition of the engine.

They do recommend an oil filter change at 1000 - 2000 miles if planning on running longer.

Realistically, most people will not put 5k miles in 3 months. If one does, then that is likely highway miles which is typically easier on oil.

So considering the cleaning that will be occuring (assuming a sludgy engine), the realistic miles in 90 days (2-3k miles), and assuming no filter change in between, the recommendation makes sense.
Thanks, I will probably do less than 60 days to be on the conservative side and not to damage seals.
In ur situation, did it help clean or loosen things up?
You are not going to damage any seals. I ran it in 3 vehicles for 5k miles each. Took 2 vehicles over 6 months and the 3rd was around 4 months. You can run this for a full oil change and be fine, many have done it here as well.
You are not going to damage any seals. I ran it in 3 vehicles for 5k miles each. Took 2 vehicles over 6 months and the 3rd was around 4 months. You can run this for a full oil change and be fine, many have done it here as well.
Thank u for sharing. Wlk did u notice any engine cleaning using HPL EC among your vehicles?
Thank u for sharing. Wlk did u notice any engine cleaning using HPL EC among your vehicles?
In my Element and C1500, tons, filters were black when I cut them open but they were not maintained well by the PO's. My Expedition that was religiously maintained w 3k oci's by the PO, the filters were clean and looked new. I changed filters every 1500-2000 miles on all 3.