Howdo you defend American cars from Import lovers?

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Originally Posted By: OVERK1LL

As for your statement: those are often the same people who think Canadians drive snowmobiles year round and live in Igloos.

My impressions of Canadians was somewhat different

Originally Posted By: JohnBrowning

... On top of that most of the parts are built outside the company and shipped in completly ready for assembly so even the most American product comeing off of GM's line is more likely Assembled in America not truly American made. Most of the big parts are built in and assembled in Mexico or Canada then shiped by rail or truck to staging companies like Android here in Michigan that pay $9 an hour to their workers to do what the GM Union guys are not willing to do or cannot do cost effectivly ie staging the parts for assembly....

I deal with Android (they have since changed their name) everyday in my role as a GM manager and let me tell you they stink. We truly get what we pay for. The sequence and pack our parts and they make all kinds of mistakes - but for the low wages they pay you can't expect talent.
I agree that Canada is part of North America (as is Mexico) but you guys are not American's. You got Americans (USA), Mexicans (Mexico) and Canadians (Canada). No offense to you guys, now...
Originally Posted By: greenaccord02
It's true, we can't very well call ourselves UnitedStatesians.

I thought the term was Yankee
Originally Posted By: OVERK1LL
I thought the term was Yankee

Whoa...I'd never say that to a southerner my friend. Fact is we are called commonly 'Americans' it or not. Technically all peoples that live on the north or south american continent are 'American', but words/labels and common understanding prevails here. After all, I would NEVER expect a citizen of Mexico or Canada to stand up in a crowded bar and say 'I'm American'. Perhaps the word has been hijacked by us, but it wouldn't be the first time a culture or nation has done such. Just look at all the confusing labels for the hispanic peoples.
x2, well put.

Apparently to people outside the US, "yankee" or "yanks" applies to all US citizens, but here we don't do that. Yankee means someone from the Northeast here. My state is kind of the boundary (arguable) before yankees appear. We have lots of yankee transplants in the middle of the state though.
Out here in the west most folks have ne real idea what a 'yankee' is (maybe a baseball player). The divisions between north and south have little bearing on the west coast. The western mindset 'culturally' speaking is more blended I would say than east of the mississippi. Makes things a tad boring sometimes. I was born in Virginia myself but being that I was raised in mostly the west, I don't really identify with the south. I did love it there in the Army though (Georgia).
The Mason-Dixon line. I'm sure it's changed over the pass 20 years... but at one time, Rebel Yell bourbon was not sold above the Mason:Dixon
Lot of "morphing" here, though. When I call "Binnie" in Mobile (not 1), he's surely from Alabama. When I'm put on hold, the traffic news copper's voice (or DJ) is neutral NYC.
Originally Posted By: greenaccord02
It's true, we can't very well call ourselves UnitedStatesians.

That would be confusing because there is also the United States of Mexico.

To add to the confusion, Mexicans often refer to Americans as Norte Americanos when Mexicans are also Norte Americanos
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