How many quarts of fluid does it take to do a drain and fill of the CVT of a 2022 Altima

Aug 22, 2009
Pittsburgh,PA U.S.A.
I saw the post that Walmart is having a sale on the CVT transmission fluid for Nissan vehicles. My brother wants to take advantage of that sale and stock up but first he would like to know how many quarts of fluid it takes to do a drain and fill on the CVT of a 2022 Nissan Altima?
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Make sure you use NS3, the post I saw was for NS2. With that said both my nissans usually take about 4 qts with a cold, level drain and fill
My 2019 Nissan Pathfinder is 4qts per drain/fill. I've verified it with the level check plug twice in the years and many drain/fills I've done on it since 2019. Once you're out of warranty on that 2022, you can use the "suitable for NS3 use" fluid of your choice. I've used Castrol Transmax universal ATF/CVT fluid in my pathfinder since 70k miles. Currently at 100k.