How many BITOG's to change a light bulb?

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And don't forget...

1 to note that the bulb will screw in easier with motor oil on the threads.

59 to scream that M1 will wear out the threads and cause the light to flicker noisily.

Tom NJ
2 to post about how CFL are subsidized and how it is hurting the economy when the tax dollar would be better used elsewhere.

2 to reply and said how subsidized CFL is good for the environment and it should continue, and should mandate all light bulb be energy efficient.
2 to reply "oh yeah? how is all that mercury good for the environment?"
2 to reply "yeah, yerself! it's less mercury added to the environment than the coal burned to light a regular bulb!"
2 to reply "and if you NIMBYs wouldn't get in the way of nuke plants we'd have even less of that and uranium emisions"

I wonder how long I could impersonate a typical forum by myself before anyone noticed? It would be a kind of modern one-man-band.
Originally Posted By: occupant
I have yet to see the phrase "Used Filament Analysis" in this thread, so there you go...

I actually do that for our scanning electron microscope tungsten filaments.
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