how do i get a towing company to tow vehicles on my property?

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If you have an HOA, check the rules for signs and parking.

If it was HOA 1) highly doubt there'd be a dirt lot beside the house 2) likely nobody could park there off of the driveway.

Sounds like the bottom line for the OP is he has to take some action IE appropriate signage notifying the public it's private property, no parking allowed, violators will be towed at their expense. Roping it off seems like an easy fix when he isn't expecting any company but that's not an acceptable option.

Good luck getting it resolved. Neighbors affecting your quiet enjoyment of your property is certainly annoying, neighbors using your property is another level.
I managed a towing company for a period in my life. Laws are going to be different so check you local laws carefully. The biggest thing we needed was to have prominent signs posted that this was private property, you are trespassing if you park here, and your vehicle will be towed.
Bingo ! Check your local laws .
If you put up signs, get the spelling right.

Should be "No Parking, Private Property, Your vehicle will be towed at your risk and expense"

For the record "you're" is a contraction of "you are". Read the warning with "you are" and it doesn't make sense.
Yeah , it made sense to most of us . Very minor typo .
Get a survey done if you don’t have one already to be sure where your lot lines are. Post signs. Arrange with a local tow company to tow any vehicles you contact them about. Where are you located?
Tell the parkers they can park there for $50/mo. and give them a permit and post signs that parking without a permit will be towed. Make it a business. 😄
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