Heat Wave

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$200 Site Donor 2023
May 5, 2018
WPB Florida-Maryland-Pennsylvania
It was a balmy 8F today which is great
As I zipped around in my cold Hybrid I passed an Amish man in an open buggy and it is snowing too.
After that I felt pretty warm.
Warm and muggy in DFW this morning. 53F temperate, 53F dewpoint with light wind.
Couldn't believe that in the past couple days of Polar Vortex, global warming "terminology" was being used on some "news" stations. ?????
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Originally Posted by 69GTX
Couldn't believe that in the past couple days of Polar Vortex, global warming "terminology" was being used on some "news" stations. ?????


"Warm temperatures in the Arctic cause the jet stream to take these wild swings, and when it swings farther south, that causes cold air to reach farther south. These swings tend to hang around for awhile, so the weather we have in the eastern United States, whether it's cold or warm, tends to stay with us longer,"
The issue seems to be the jet stream oscillations seem to be getting bigger. We're going from a couple degrees below 0F yesterday to 60F Monday-if this pattern persists into spring, tornado season is likely to be pretty bad.
Originally Posted by JustN89
Warm and muggy in DFW this morning. 53F temperate, 53F dewpoint with light wind.

Yes sir - - I took my Ninja 650 out for a little ride today.
Had a little mist a few times, but otherwise no precipitation to worry about.

But it's DEFINITELY muggy today!!
Those wild jet stream swings happen and have happened for ages.... Nothing new....

If not for a consistent warmth.... All of the upper Midwest and northeast US would be under a ice sheet... thus why there are so many lakes in those regions.

Just like category 3 hurricane going around and up along the Florida and Georgia coastline.... Like Matthew did...

Or a strong hurricane aka cat 4-5 hitting the gulf side of Western Florida...

Strongest hurricane was the 1935 Labor day hurricane with barometric pressure down to 892 mb...

This was before a certain guy flying his private jet all around the world telling everyone how bad things are supposedly... While using more fuel in a single back and forth cross continental flight than a avg American does in a entire year... What garbage... And this said person has atwo homes with one being 4 times as karge as the avg home in this country.... Thus individual is a fool.
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10*F now. Going to be 55*F and sunny tomorrow.

Probably going to grille and wear shorts tomorrow. Lol.
Took the opportunity to wash the car.

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