Headset recommendations?

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The Cane Creek 40 series stuff is awesome bang for the buck. I have the 110 on a couple of my bikes and the 40 series on another. Now that I've seen the 40 series and the cost difference between it and the 110, I'll use the 40 series from now on. The better ones are made in North Carolina.
Originally Posted By: kaseri
Chris King is the only name you need to know.

Agree! But, some people will always think a Chris King headset is a luxury item because, 1) they don't know better, 2) they think "a bike's a bike" and all headsets offer the same performance, 3) they know better but choose not to spend the money to purchase one.

For a serious cyclist who appreciates and can afford uber quality components, a Chris King headset is a necessary item. Quality and longevity-wise, there is no better choice.

My advice to the OP and others on this thread, if you're going to ride bikes, go ahead use a cheaper headset. But, I urge you not to scrimp on tires. I approach 50mph regularly and exceed it a couple times a month. Even if you barely exceed 30mph, a cheap or worn out tire is a safety hazard.

Though not caused by a tire problem, I had a pace line crash that was caused by the state track champion (yep, go figure!). I was the third rider to go down and did a face plant at 24mph. My face was the first thing to hit the pavement (funny fact, my Oakleys and helmet were unmarked!). It required an ambulance ride to the hospital because I was completely incapacitated. I had a broken finger and elbow, severe facial lacerations, and a grade 3 concussion. It took me 10 minutes before I realized who my wife was when she stood at my bedside in the ER. She started crying but I had no clue who she was. I was aware that I should have known who she was, which terrified me because I then realized my brain had been injured! I was able to recognize the concern in the eyes of the ER team when they realized what was going on. To say it was scary is an huge understatement. Also, I crashed a $6K road bike (and at 1998 prices) which really irritated me once I got my senses back, which took weeks.

Do what you want with headsets, just don't buy or ride cheap, worn out tires.

I've got a Chris King headset on my Ti cyclocross bike.

It's not a perfect headset. The bushings it came with are "just slightly" incorrect. And it's getting worn to where the handlebar will "center" just slightly.

Sorry, but mechanical things do wear, even the hallowed "Chris King".

I'll be keeping mine a few more years before installing a new one though.
I've never seen the advantage to Chris King over a Cane Creek 40 (or similar) for 99.5% of riders and certainly not for the money. They're cups with some cartridge bearings. When the bearings wear, replace them. Don't turn it into more.
Originally Posted By: dja4260
My Redline D440 came with a "cane creek" headset that has no model # markings. It doesn't have sealed bearings and seems cheap in nature.

I recently replaced my fork as I went went with a carbon rigid deal. The headset has more play in it then I'm comfortable with. I even went to the local LBS and they confirmed nothing incorrect during my install and its a cheapo headset. Redline used the name "cane creek" as a selling point.

I'd like a nice 1 1/8 headset, under $50 bucks if possible. I'm new to this so what should I look for before I make the purchase?


I also emailed cane creek, voicing my displeasure but haven't gotten a response back.....

Without reading through the thread, allow me to add my $0.02.

If you have any detectable play in the headset its either not adjusted properly or something is seriously wrong. Do you trust the LBS you visited?

As for recommended headsets, I've used the Cane Creek 40 series on a couple of builds now with great results. Any headset my require a readjustment or two after the first couple rides and these were no exception, but they feel great and install easy enough.
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