Heading From Canada To USA For M1 HM + M1 Filters

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Actually Walmart doesn't seem to carry M1 HM jugs, not the one here at least. So, unless there is a sale at the auto store, you're looking at around $45 + tax, which is around $55 Canadian dollars.
Originally Posted By: Fastmover
Originally Posted By: Patman
Originally Posted By: Fastmover
And of course on top of these USA prices, we lucky Canadians get to add 14% exchange (currently), the tax of the state we're visiting and our own govt 13% GST when we come back across the border. The things some of us will do to buy the stuff we can't get up here!

We don't need to pay that at all, when you travel across the border you are allowed to spend a certain amount of money depending on how long you've been there, and I've never been asked to pay the tax on a single thing I've ever bought in the US.

If you go to the USA for less than 48 hours you have to pay HST (13%) on your purchases unless you're not declaring them (dangerous) or the customs officer decides to wave you through. So you've been lucky and not had to pay.

False. I think you should research the Canadian customs website. 24hr stay you can bring back 200$ per person tax and duty free. If you go for the day as I have done almost every month for the past 8-9 years, it depends what you buy but if you spend 60-70 per person its unlikely they will pull you over unless you say it was spent on clothing or other duty and taxable items. I usually buy some groceries and gas up my tank..and get a jug of oil and a filter or two.
Originally Posted By: Gokhan
Actually Walmart doesn't seem to carry M1 HM jugs

They are everywhere here...

Usually no M1 filters, but you can get a Fram Ultra or a Bosch D+
Originally Posted By: Garak
And auto parts and the like for personal use made in the USA (or Mexico) are duty free under NAFTA.

Now that is info I can use.
Thank you very much.
It's saved me a few bucks here and there, nothing huge, at least not yet. As long as the items are appropriately marked as made in a NAFTA country, you're set. The only thing I've had to pay duty on in recent years from the States was my OEM headlight assemblies for the Audi; they were made in Germany and were quite expensive. The duty wasn't too bad, though. In any event, it was significantly cheaper than buying from the dealer, who wanted around double the price.

I've bought a few things from Rock Auto and the like when my usual suppliers can't get get it or quote me something ridiculous like a two week wait.
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