Habanero salsa turned out tasty & super hot

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Oct 5, 2009
I made the salsa a few months ago after harvesting the last of my habaneros, sarranos, and tomatoes out of the garden.

At a recent Christmas gathering I decided to get it out and try it (was canned). WOW!! Good flavor, and surprisingly SMOOTH heat!

The salsa ended up having, in order of addition to the pot:

5 large tomatoes from the garden, blanched, peeled, boiled down to sauce
couple-o splashes of vinegar
~4 TSP Morton Lite Salt
1 clove of garlic
3 ripe/orange habaneros
2 green habaneros
3 red/ripe sarranos
5 green sarranos
1 bunch of cilantro (a wad from the grocery store)

The habaneros were finely chopped, seeds and all, and the sarranos were thinly sliced. The peppers were added when the sauce base was boiled down, thick, and at a rolling boil. The cilantro (fresh chopped leaves) was added 3 minutes later, and stirred in until it got wilted. Then the whole mess was canned.

All this into 16oz jar. I made it with the intention of adding small amounts to milder sauces to dial up the "kick".
Thanks, Kaboomba! My wife and I might try that soon. I will post back when we do.
Originally Posted By: DT466E_bus
Does it burn out the other end?

Worse: when the lava hit the water it quickly solidified into the Great Commode Barrier Reef.
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