I decided to list our 2011 Toyota Sienna on craigslist and what have you to see if I can get what I listed it for. Plus, my ma kinda wants to get into a luxury car even though she has one. She really likes the BMW X7.
So, I got an offer of $22k for our minivan (I've got it listed at $22k. That's 3k above retail). I showed it to a gentleman Wednesday. He liked it and everything. He offered $20,750. I was at $21,250. Told him I'd let him know about his offer Thursday. Later that night, I had a talk with my parents and we decided to keep the van. I let him know and he was okay with it. I just got a call from him later this morning and he offered $22k.
But, idk we're not really convinced about selling it for an X7. $70k for a car seems like a lot of money. Well, dads okay with it. But, I don't think it's really a good financial decision to make taking into consideration that interest rates are super high along with car prices. Also, the van is 12 years old with 78k miles on it and looks newer than a lot of 4-year-old cars I see. We can get at least 15 more years out of it. Plus, it's more of a want than a need. We don't need a new/luxury car. We've got 2 of those already. But, $22k for a 12-year-old minivan is kind of hard to pass up.
So, I got an offer of $22k for our minivan (I've got it listed at $22k. That's 3k above retail). I showed it to a gentleman Wednesday. He liked it and everything. He offered $20,750. I was at $21,250. Told him I'd let him know about his offer Thursday. Later that night, I had a talk with my parents and we decided to keep the van. I let him know and he was okay with it. I just got a call from him later this morning and he offered $22k.
But, idk we're not really convinced about selling it for an X7. $70k for a car seems like a lot of money. Well, dads okay with it. But, I don't think it's really a good financial decision to make taking into consideration that interest rates are super high along with car prices. Also, the van is 12 years old with 78k miles on it and looks newer than a lot of 4-year-old cars I see. We can get at least 15 more years out of it. Plus, it's more of a want than a need. We don't need a new/luxury car. We've got 2 of those already. But, $22k for a 12-year-old minivan is kind of hard to pass up.