Gift for 8 year old boy

Nerf guns. It helps to have a part of the house you don't mind having filled with the darts all over the place but it's lots of fun to have a bunch of guns lying around and have a John Wick battle with the kids lol.

when i was young, (around 8 or 9) received a set of tools, handy andy (kids set) I think, led to wanting more real tools and my interests in mechanical and building stuff just grew also had a erector set and lego blocks,,,,tonka trucks,shovels,saws etc to build forts , always kept me busy,,kids now adays good luck.
I get it, but there is a difference between learning to use a critical tool and being addicted to it.
It's called balance. Hard to achieve and maintain.

A computer is the key to the biggest library in the world.
Yeah and in this case it depends on an adult keeping track and making that difference and not using it as a babysitter. In an underprivileged situation that might be a tough ask. A STEM type toy or something that promotes activity doesn't need adult oversight.

After our past year involved with Big Brother/Big Sister I know which I'd give.
Football, kickball, basketball, baseball glove.

If they're into baseball and already have the ball and glove, get them baseball cards.
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There's are a few places around Pittsburgh that stock a decent number of used bicycles. They have been gone over and the have all sizes. A kid will have just as much fun with a used one as a new one. And it's somethingac that last a long time.

OP, does your area have stores that stock used bicycles.
For those of you who have 8 year old boys what toys do they like nowadays as I have been far removed from that age group in many years. It for some underprivileged children in our neighborhood.

Moderators please move to General and Off Topic. I posted hear by mistake
Model rocket
I like the bicycle idea, our co donated and assembled them to local kids one year. It doesn't have to be the latest $3,000 bike that kids that age want nowadays--a google search pulls up 24" Huffy's at $108.
We got the girls these hoverboard things a couple of years ago and I wasn't crazy about it but they turned out to be great fun. It took a very short time for them to learn how to balance them and they very quickly became experts on them. Not exercise like a bike but a very active toy and they've held up to a lot of use. Adults should not even put a foot on one, serious injury is guaranteed.

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They can be bought from Amazon. 9th gen "renewed" for as little as $140 for 2018 model or $180 for 2020 model.
OR right now as of Dec 8th brand new 9th gen (10th is the latest) at Best Buy
(by the way, good for you, I get wanting to help a needy family, even more so a young child, it is a great feeling)
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Gift decisions are something that my wife always took care of. This year is my first to attempt it. I am shopping for two boys, 10 and 5 and I'm not good at it. My parents split gifts between fun stuff and (fun) educational stuff. I bought each a new bike. They are outgrowing their current bikes. Then I bought the 10 yo a nice microscope kit and the 5 yo a "fossilized" T Rex skull kit. He's a dino fanatic any everything is DINO.

I'm still looking for more, smaller things.
At that age I remember getting my first 1000 piece puzzle that I put together multiple times. It was a welcome challenge.