Fusion is out!

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Sometimes you can haggle a bit. I recently went to BB to get a 16" Toshiba laptop that was well appointed for $399. It was a two day sale and I got there on day two. There were only two left and both had the $99.95 add on. That would be anti virus/malware protection installed (good for a year) and all the bloatware removed. I am perfectly capable of doing that myself and refused to pay it. They would not be getting any more of these so I offered the manager $45 for the add on stuff and he took the deal. I still think it was a good purchase for an Intel i3 processor, 4 gigs of ram, a 500 gig hard drive,four USB ports (one for charging phones etc. while turned off), and a few other goodies.

In short, haggle a bit. The worst they can say is no. I did refuse all the other crud and the fella gave no argument at all.

This was a gift for my better half since her HP died an early death just like those I've had in the past did. She was pleased as was I. Make mine Toshiba please.
I bought a Toshiba laptop at BB. It too had $100 worth of BB add-ons. I had them remove it all. And, they are required to if you request it.
The laptop was on sale and none were on the floor(employees hiding it for themselves). Inventory for about 17. I had the manager bring them out. It was too funny.

I get no store add-ons from Staples or Bestbuy. But, I give them credit as they are definitely arm-twisters.
In recent years I have been going (and suggesting friends) to Office Depot for laptops. No arm twisting there yet. No upsell efforts.

A friend bought a Lenovo G560 there last week for $400. I looked it over last weekend. The G560 definitely looks and feels cheaper than the older G550 model, but the P6100 CPU is faster than the old T4200, the Western Digital 320GB disk is nice, the LCD is so-so, and it has a decent plain Synaptics touchpad to complement a keyboard I don't care for. A 2010 generation Intel CPU without hyperthreading, splendid!
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