Fuel stabilizer, after the fact.....

Jun 22, 2008
Old man, neighbor, did a good job of filling 8, five gallon fuel jugs, back when gas was about $3 a gallon. Problem is, he did not utilize a fuel stabilizer and it has been 14 months. I wonder how good the fuel is and mostly, I am wondering if he can add a fuel stabilizer now and if it would make a difference?

Old man, neighbor, did a good job of filling 8, five gallon fuel jugs, back when gas was about $3 a gallon. Problem is, he did not utilize a fuel stabilizer and it has been 14 months. I wonder how good the fuel is and mostly, I am wondering if he can add a fuel stabilizer now and if it would make a difference?

What's done is done, adding stabil will just preserve 14 month old fuel. Maybe splash some 93 in the tanks
Star Tron Enzyme Fuel Treatment claims that it will "rejuvenate" old gas, but I personally believe that this claim is nonsense.
From what I have personally seen, E10 stored in a gas can for 14 months is old/bad and should not be used. E0 might still be good enough that it can be mixed with fresh fuel a little at a time, like 5 gal mixed with 15 gal of fresh gas in a 20 gal tank, but I wouldn't do this with E10.
Use Pri-G. It claims to bring bad fuel back from the dead.

"PRI-G goes a step further, actually restoring old fuel to refinery-fresh conditions."

https://www.batterystuff.com/fuel-t...G goes a step,extremely cost effective to use.

Thanks for the tip. It was only 2 days ago that I was watching a Prepper YouTube from "Canadian Prepper", where he highly recommended this product. I had never heard of it. Since I am basically out of Sta-Bil, I just ordered some of both varieties....


Since the gas is stored in a five gallon can, I doubt any problems occured. It's much different if it were in a small container or fuel tank on a lawn mower. I would still add the stabilizer. I have used untreated fuel that was a year old and had no problems.
I am skeptical about any product that claims to 'restore' fuels to factory fresh.... Noy saying it is impossible, but understanding a bit about the chemistry I'd want some evidence.
Never seen one that claimed that.. The additive will preserve what you got.
Use Pri-G. It claims to bring bad fuel back from the dead.

"PRI-G goes a step further, actually restoring old fuel to refinery-fresh conditions."

https://www.batterystuff.com/fuel-treatments/PRIG32oz.html#:~:text=PRI-G goes a step,extremely cost effective to use.
I'm thinking that's a bunch of marketing BS, I don't see how adding something would reverse oxidation of the gasoline. Plus part of the problem is that some of the components are of lower molecular weight and can evaporate. They even state the gasoline is not altered, so how do you reverse anything?
