Fram Ultra XG7317 cut open

I cut my wifes 6000 mile 7317 open last week after reading how much everyone has been bagging on the Fram Ultras last week. Looked great to me, no wavy pleats and I made up my mind to keep using them on her 2.0 Honda and my daughters 2.5 skyeactive
I remember that dry well in Popular Mechanics.

At the low point in Paterson Falls -where the statue for Lou Costello stands- you can see a swirly backwater where illegally dumped old oil collects.
Bales of hay could sop it up.
My county still practices chip n’ seal roadways, on a county that has one of the highest tax rates in the state.

Might be time to run for commissioner or council…
75% of New Mexico road mileage is unpaved. Our city just just invested in the machinery to do chip seal paving. It’s like rocket science here!
75% of New Mexico road mileage is unpaved. Our city just just invested in the machinery to do chip seal paving. It’s like rocket science here!
I didn’t mention our unpaved roads… probably 40% of the county roads more than 2 miles from the county seat are unpaved. The Chip n Seal is our pinnacle of road surfaces, even on state highways 😱
I taught my brother in law who hasn't held a wrench in his hand in his whole life to change the oil in his car. The first time I was helping him along but the second time he did it all on his own. You should have seen him acting like a kid in the candy store after he did it. I enjoyed just seeing him smiling from ear to ear and exclaiming "Wow, I changed the oil in my car!"

Even though I don't have my tools and my filter cutter with me, being an oil freak I just couldn't let an oil filter go to waste without cutting it open. So between a wire cutter and a utility knife I had to improvise something to make it happen.

This filter came out of a 2011 Honda Accord, about 175k miles on it. He doesn't know how many miles on this filter, he just changed it when the oil life went down to 0%. He thought it was 5k miles, but I believe it is much more than that. Anybody knows how many miles a Honda Accord would take to show 0%?

The filter was made in 2023, so no wire backing, but it held up pretty good. There was no metal in it, but some carbon in the bottom, and it looks like the media is pretty loaded if you compare the clean with the dirty side. Louvers were nice and open.

Out: This filter and Pennzoil Ultra Platinum 0W-20.
In: Pennzoil Platinum 0W-20 and a Fram Titanium 7317.


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Great pics, thanks!! I know it's 4 months later, but I've been looking for some of the new Ultras cut open to see how the leaf spring seal looks. Apparently flashlight tests have exposed a gap on the Champion Lab made Fram Endurance & Amsoil EaO filters. The leaf spring mount on the one you opened looks good.

Just from eyeballing, the new louvered tube seems a larger diameter, making the pleats shorter & possibly more resistant to tearing. The one you showed at 5800 miles looked pretty good, I don't usually go past 4,000 miles & I use an oversize filter, so I'm not too worried about media integrity. If you have a chance to cut up any more Ultras, I'd be very happy to see them!

Thanks again!!
Great pics, thanks!! I know it's 4 months later, but I've been looking for some of the new Ultras cut open to see how the leaf spring seal looks. Apparently flashlight tests have exposed a gap on the Champion Lab made Fram Endurance & Amsoil EaO filters. The leaf spring mount on the one you opened looks good.

Just from eyeballing, the new louvered tube seems a larger diameter, making the pleats shorter & possibly more resistant to tearing. The one you showed at 5800 miles looked pretty good, I don't usually go past 4,000 miles & I use an oversize filter, so I'm not too worried about media integrity. If you have a chance to cut up any more Ultras, I'd be very happy to see them!

Thanks again!!
Looks just like the og finish!
