Found this filter study

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Oct 30, 2004
The information is a little old, it was last updated over 5 years ago.

This "study" is not a "test".
This is the original Knize study that started it all on the Internet.
The legend has it that a filter company threatened to sue Mr. Knize, so he took it off line and changed some things. But others reposted the original on many other sites.
That's a nice list and IMHO should be made into a sticky. Maybe you could PM one of the moderators make a request.
I did one myself and found that any thing old likely to be nearly useless.

ALSO, you can't really take general comments about a Brand and apply it to a specific filter.

The reason for the first is things change. Brands often don't make the filter and can source from several manufactures. And mfg's make changes. So you never know without looking at the particular filter.

I have seen many cases of Brand making general claim then I look at the my specific filter and it's not there.

Bottom line use 'generalities' on a brand as guideline but study your specific filter. Go to the store and look every time before purchase.

Bottom line use 'generalities' on a brand as guideline but study your specific filter. Go to the store and look every time before purchase.

Or go to the store, blindly buy any well respected brand, and sleep well knowing that it probably won't make much difference unless you drive something highly modified or really exotic.
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