My most recent extended run in my 2018 Taurus n/a 3.5L. Typical mixed use; city and highway.
To help this make sense, here is an OCI history:
- at 1k miles, the oil/filter was changed with dino ST (first "break in" flush of the OEM machining remnants)
- at 5k miles, the oil/filter was changed with dino ST (second "break in" flush)
- at 10k miles, the oil/filter was changed with dino ST
- at 20k miles, the oil/filter was changed with dino ST
- at 32k miles, the oil/filter was changed with dino ST; first UOA on the 12k mile oil run, see below
- at 40k miles, the oil/filter was changed with HPL (no UOA on the 8k mile oil run)
- at 50k miles, the oil was left in but filter changed; second UOA with 10k mile oil run, see below
The shift to 30 grade HPL is merely a matter of coincidence; it was not a planned change- the oil came from the HPL openhouse last year.
* There are a few differences between the UOAs; first Blackstone and then WearCheck, so minor disparities should be ignored.
* Both the conventional ST and the premium HPL did very well at having low wear rates; a general trait of the Cyclone engines.
* The HPL is still in the engine; planning on running another 10k miles and then sample at 20k miles.
* The filter was changed at 51k miles (having 11k miles on the filter and HPL oil). There was absolutely no sludge or carbon of any kind in the filter after 11k miles; very clean running engines, these Cyclones! The filter was changed as a precaution to see how much contamination was present; none, essentially. That made me feel good about extending the OCI further. Had I known how good it was, I would have left it on there to 20k.
* Oil was topped off at 51k miles only to make up for the lost volume of the filter change. There was no appreciable oil loss during the 11k miles of use. The volatility of this HPL lube is incredibly low.
Rich (BB code):
Veh Miles 32k 50k
OCI miles 11.8k 10k
filter TG XG
oil brand ST HPL
oil grade 5w-20 5w-30
oil base conv grp III
UOA svc Blkstn WrChk
Oil chng? Yes No
Filter chng? Yes Yes
Alum 5 5
Chromium 0 0
Iron 9 8
Copper 6 4
Lead 0 0
Tin 0 0
Moly 39 479
Nickle 0 0
Manganese 3 2
Silver 0 0
Titanium 0 1
Potassium 0 1
Boron 42 21
Silicon 38 25
Sodium 3 4
Calcium 1396 1183
Magnesium 435 1857
Phos 758 648
Zinc 876 842
Barium 0 0
Vis at 100C 8.49 10.4
Flash Point 44 x
Fuel Antifreeze 0 0
Water 0 0
Insols/soot .2 .1
Nitration x 16.9
Sulfation x 40.1
Oxidation x 39.6
Acid x 2.0
Base x 10.6