Filling Your Home With Mercury Via CFL

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Jul 30, 2009
Filling your home with mercury

If you've fallen for the compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulb scam, you're the one getting screwed -- in more ways than one.

Not only are these things expensive and dim, they're also dangerous. A reader named Ken wrote in to say that these bulbs did a number on him.

"I think the new CFL light bulbs are death," he wrote. "I am extremely angry at them for allowing them to be sold without a warning on the box!!"

Allowing? Heck, Ken -- they're MANDATING it. CFLs are the law of land, passed by those dim bulbs in Congress. Starting in 2012, America's beacon of freedom is going to be a mercury-laden death ray -- and that light will be shining on YOU.

There's emerging evidence that these bulbs can cause seizures and dizziness, worsen migraine headaches and send lupus patients doubling over in agony. They've been linked to skin disorders and even cancer.

I can only wonder what else they'll discover when hundreds of millions of people are forced to sit under these bulbs all day, every day... at home, at work, and everywhere in between.

Even worse, CFL bulbs are filled with mercury. They'll tell you it's a "tiny" amount, but a single bulb contains enough mercury to contaminate 6,000 gallons of water.

Does that sound safe to you?

Let me shine a little light in this one: Small amounts of mercury can lay waste to your central nervous system, and all it takes is a whiff, taste or touch. Mercury can damage your vision, ruin your speech, wreck your hearing, turn you into a herky-jerky spastic, and give you the rash of a lifetime.

Ever hear the phrase "mad as a hatter?" It's because hatters worked with mercury -- and it literally drove them nuts.

And when the greenies get their way, we'll all be mad hatters. After all, light bulbs break -- and it's just a matter of time before you and your family are exposed to mercury from a shattered CFL bulb.

All that, and I haven't even touched on what's going to happen when all the mercury from discarded and "recycled" bulbs seeps into the ground and ends up in the already-filthy water supply.

I'm no fan of ordinary incandescent lights, either -- I'm convinced they're responsible for poor health and cataracts. But in this case it's a lesser of two evils. And if you hope to keep using them, you'd better stock up now.

Soon, you won't have a choice.

William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
Not worth it. I mean read the steps below the bulb description in the link above.

Leave the room for 15 minutes, then clean up. Subsequent vacuum/cleaning attempts, open the window and turn off air/heat for more time and then clean again.

The hazards are greater than the benefits, specially considering 90% of people who buy these things will not know this and expose themselves and others to the hazard. Also throwing them into the trash and causing a potential for more to go wrong with water contamination etc.
I agree. The guy at the gym I go to was replacing a long Fl bulb and dropped it and broke it about 10' from me in the locker room one day. I wasted no time getting out of there, and returned about 4 days later. I gave him a printout of the method that's *supposed* to be used to clean these up, but I don't think he had, or has, a clue as to what it's all about. It's just get a broom and dustpan to him..

Scary world we live in.
Originally Posted By: tmorris1
How often do you break a lightbulb? I can't remember the last time I did.

They are easy to drop if your tinfoil hat shifts and blocks you vision at a critical time.
Originally Posted By: XS650
Originally Posted By: tmorris1
How often do you break a lightbulb? I can't remember the last time I did.

They are easy to drop if your tinfoil hat shifts and blocks you vision at a critical time.

I've been in the process of chelating Mercury from my body from 18 silver/mercury fillings I once had. It takes 1 to 3 years to do. I'm one of a minority of people that does not excrete Hg [Mercury] as well as most people, and I became toxic with it, and other metals.

I could drop one of these bulbs and possibly undo the good that took me a year or more to accomplish. So, to me, it's no joke.
What a load. CFLs have less mercury than the fluorescent tubes we've been using for 50 years. Yeah, use common sense. When you drop one, don't take a dozen deep breaths and snort all the mercury you can (unless you have syphilis, but even if you inhaled all the mercury in the bulb it wouldn't be enough to cure the disease... IOW doctors used to ADMINISTER more mercury than you get in a CFL). Air out the room, sweep up the debris, and GET A LIFE if all you can do is worry about the few micrograms of mercury that were in the bulb.
Originally Posted By: 440Magnum
What a load. CFLs have less mercury than the fluorescent tubes we've been using for 50 years. Yeah, use common sense. When you drop one, don't take a dozen deep breaths and snort all the mercury you can (unless you have syphilis, but even if you inhaled all the mercury in the bulb it wouldn't be enough to cure the disease... IOW doctors used to ADMINISTER more mercury than you get in a CFL). Air out the room, sweep up the debris, and GET A LIFE if all you can do is worry about the few micrograms of mercury that were in the bulb.

I wish it were that simple. If you're in robust health, more power to you. If not, like some people, it's not as cut & dry as you say it is.

How did IOW doctors used to administer mercury?
+1 44Magnum. 50 years ago, I took old murcury switches apart and rubbed murcury on pennys to make then silver. Seems that some are doom sayers and jump on anything.
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Originally Posted By: 440Magnum
What a load. CFLs have less mercury than the fluorescent tubes we've been using for 50 years. Yeah, use common sense. When you drop one, don't take a dozen deep breaths and snort all the mercury you can (unless you have syphilis, but even if you inhaled all the mercury in the bulb it wouldn't be enough to cure the disease... IOW doctors used to ADMINISTER more mercury than you get in a CFL). Air out the room, sweep up the debris, and GET A LIFE if all you can do is worry about the few micrograms of mercury that were in the bulb.

I've been trying to GET A LIFE and recover from 18 mercury fillings the dentists promised me would be perfectly safe, but were not, for me. What's your simple solution to that?

Some people do not excrete mercury as well as others, and it poses a danger to them. Do you also tell them to Get a life?
Originally Posted By: Lurch

I wish it were that simple. If you're in robust health, more power to you. If not, like some people, it's not as cut & dry as you say it is.

How did IOW doctors used to administer mercury?

If you have a health problem that slows the rate at which you excrete trace metals, then there are any number of things that can lead to problems faster than the mercury from CFLs. Can you eat seafood? Seafood contains mercury. What about other trace metals found in vegetables.

The "doctors" reference was to the fact that in the pre-antibiotic days (and even now, when antibiotics won't work) a number of mercury-containing drugs were used to treat infections. Syphilis, for example, was cured with mercury-containing drugs for decades before there were antibiotics. The old topical antiseptics Mercurochrome and Merthiolate that moms put on millions of kids' scraped knees all the way through the 1970s also contained mercury.

Some people do not excrete mercury as well as others, and it poses a danger to them. Do you also tell them to Get a life?

No, I'd say "protect yourself." Meaning don't use CFLs in your home or office, get your self out of the way if a fluorescent tube is broken, NEVER eat seafood, etc. etc. But don't spread falsehoods about non-existent health threats for everyone else! Some people are allergic to milk, eggs, various vegetbles, etc., but that doesn't mean those foods should be taken off the market completely. Same with peanuts- but that has also been taken WAY too far. Some people act like there are such things as "peanut fumes" so that if a kid with peanut allergies is on an airplane, no one gets peanuts (despite the fact that there are ground up peanuts in the carpet already...). I'm just saying keep the reaction in proportion to the threat, not that the threat isn't real for certain people.
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I just dont get how the standard tube fluorescent lights we have used forever and that exist in every store, office, etc. differ from these toxic CFLs. When it comes to siezures, etc., does the 60Hz flicker of a CFL differ at all from the 60 Hz flicker of an old-fashioned tube or anything else?

Hg is an issue. It isnt good stuff, regardless of if kids played with it back in the day or not. It can be bad to have spilled in the home, but just like any sort of pesticides, cleaners, nail polish, etc. that are routinely used and show up in fairly high concentrations in the home. I wouldnt want a broken CFL, but I also wouldnt want a lot of other things spilled or present that are.
CFL's don't flicker at 60Hz because they use an electronic ballast. For regular fixtures, most are using electronic ballasts these days and you can replace the magnetic ballast on older ones with an electronic one.
How much you wanna bet this doctor has long-tube fluorescent bulbs in every room of his office building?
LOL! the amount of Mercury emissions from coal firing electrical power plants to power inefficient electrical appliances far outweighs the Hg inside CFLs (incl. the minute amount of Hg introduced into the flourescent tubing for striking the phosphor coating)...given the same amount of power consumption over a given service life (say, 2000hrs?) when compared to standard Incandescent lightbulb of the same light output.

May I gently remind you folks that NA has some of the most polluting coal firing electricity power plants in the world, producing approx. 20t worth of atmospheric Mercury pollutants that ended up in our food and air that we breathe.

Originally Posted By: 440Magnum

If you have a health problem that slows the rate at which you excrete trace metals, then there are any number of things that can lead to problems faster than the mercury from CFLs. Can you eat seafood? Seafood contains mercury. What about other trace metals found in vegetables.

I eat only Wild Salmon, which has ND amounts of Hg.

I was born a blood type O+ non secretor. We don't secrete hormones into our blood and are more prone to get toxic with metals, especially mercury. Mercury is the main culprit for me and many people.. I have books on it, and I know this expert on it very well. Just because MDs used to administer it, does not mean it was ever a good idea or a safe thing to do.

I believe many are toxic with it, and have no idea, and never will. They'll laugh at it, deny it, do anything but acknowledge it, and maybe even die with it (but I hope not).

It's not a falsehood to me. If I thought it was a falsehood, I wouldn't have posted it. If you disagree, that's OK with me. Anyone can disagree, but that doesn't determine whether it's right or wrong.

"All truth passes through three stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
-- Schopenhauer
Originally Posted By: brianl703
CFL's don't flicker at 60Hz because they use an electronic ballast. For regular fixtures, most are using electronic ballasts these days and you can replace the magnetic ballast on older ones with an electronic one.

Well then I for one do not get the supposed seiure connection. I would imagine that flicker would be the cause, but if it is a non-issue, then that point in the original post may be moot.
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