FCC Repealed Net Neutrality Today

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Why is it, every time government puts its hands on something, gives it a fancy name to win over the public and TAKE CONTROL over another industry do you think its a good thing?

We are a free country, for goodness sakes, the USA internet is the most successful internet in the world without net neutrality, why do you think with Congress now controlling it that it will prosper?
Why do people always think government is good at running things?

Click here, these are the people you want controlling your internet? Laughable!

My god, the highest telephone rates in the country were during the times of government regulation decades ago, once those regulations where torn down, prices fell through the floor.
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Keep believing FCC is out to look after your interest. Apparently they have no problem stealing or using dead's people identities to post fake supporting comments.

Detailed analysis of the record 22 million comments filed with the agency indicate the majority of the public overwhelmingly supports keeping the rules intact. But several analysts also found that some group or individual tried to counter this genuine opposition with fake support for the plan. Schneiderman's office believes these comments were filed by a bot that pulled identities from a compromised database of some kind.

The FCC Is Blocking a Law Enforcement Investigation Into Net Neutrality Comment Fraud
Originally Posted By: KrisZ
Keep believing FCC is out to look after your interest. Apparently they have no problem stealing or using dead's people identities to post fake supporting comments.

Detailed analysis of the record 22 million comments filed with the agency indicate the majority of the public overwhelmingly supports keeping the rules intact. But several analysts also found that some group or individual tried to counter this genuine opposition with fake support for the plan. Schneiderman's office believes these comments were filed by a bot that pulled identities from a compromised database of some kind.

The FCC Is Blocking a Law Enforcement Investigation Into Net Neutrality Comment Fraud

Excellent, for gods sake, government is only there for one purpose, to keep increasing in size and take more of your paycheck. Government will always use EVERY excuse to expand, take more of your paycheck and create more departments to fund.

2 years ago there was no Net Neutrality and the internet was doing just fine.
Stupid is what you are those who think this is good... opening the gates to corporations screwing you over even more, it seems that Americans just love that

I'm glad that probably this will never happen in Europe, i hope!
Originally Posted By: alarmguy

Why is it, every time government puts its hands on something, gives it a fancy name to win over the public and TAKE CONTROL over another industry do you think its a good thing?

We are a free country, for goodness sakes, the USA internet is the most successful internet in the world without net neutrality, why do you think with Congress now controlling it that it will prosper?
Why do people always think government is good at running things?

Click here, these are the people you want controlling your internet? Laughable!

My god, the highest telephone rates in the country were during the times of government regulation decades ago, once those regulations where torn down, prices fell through the floor.

Reading this makes me seriously doubt you even understand what the concept of Net Neutrality even is or the ramifications of it not being in place anymore.
Originally Posted By: alarmguy

Excellent, for gods sake, government is only there for one purpose, to keep increasing in size and take more of your paycheck. Government will always use EVERY excuse to expand, take more of your paycheck and create more departments to fund.

you do realize the fake comments, and stolen identities of real people, were in opposition of net neutrality? Basically the bought heads of the FCC are lying saying people are opposed to it.

Originally Posted By: alarmguy
2 years ago there was no Net Neutrality and the internet was doing just fine.

Thats because prior to 2015 for the most part the FCC did its job of trying to keep the internet neutral. Its happened before that ISPs tried to throttle or block internet traffic to innovative sites/services that threatened them. The FCC for the most part combated that. It was only in 2015 it was given a name and officially observed. The internet was not "doing just fine". ISPs were beginning to take more and more advantage of consumers (you know, us?).

Everyone over here acting like verizon/comcast are these good natured, well intentioned little guys who just need a break. haha
Originally Posted By: HemiHawk
Originally Posted By: alarmguy

Excellent, for gods sake, government is only there for one purpose, to keep increasing in size and take more of your paycheck. Government will always use EVERY excuse to expand, take more of your paycheck and create more departments to fund.

you do realize the fake comments, and stolen identities of real people, were in opposition of net neutrality? Basically the bought heads of the FCC are lying saying people are opposed to it.

Originally Posted By: alarmguy
2 years ago there was no Net Neutrality and the internet was doing just fine.

Thats because prior to 2015 for the most part the FCC did its job of trying to keep the internet neutral. Its happened before that ISPs tried to throttle or block internet traffic to innovative sites/services that threatened them. The FCC for the most part combated that. It was only in 2015 it was given a name and officially observed. The internet was not "doing just fine". ISPs were beginning to take more and more advantage of consumers (you know, us?).

Everyone over here acting like verizon/comcast are these good natured, well intentioned little guys who just need a break. haha

I amazed at the responses in here, just amazing and you wonder why we have a a hundred trillion dollars of red ink in this country. Government controlling things is never good, Net Neutrality was and is a bomb and I am glad its ending.

All the little people now think they are going to now get scre++d because politicians said so.

Your being scammed, as usual, if you think so.
My god, Net Neutrality only put power in the hands of the special interests and your public servants.
Now its free again, small companies are free to start up and compete. Net Neutrality actually HELPED THE BIG INTERNET PROVIDERS BY STAMPING OUT COMPETITION FROM SMALL COMPANIES.
My god, what did you think, Spectrum< Verizon, Charter werent lining the pockets of the last administration who was in the White House when it passed? Wake up .. .
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Originally Posted By: MrHorspwer
Originally Posted By: JustN89

I think you are looking through blinders here and are falling subject to fear mongering by the Content Providers and the Left.

I think you've fallen for cons all your life. You've effectively been programmed to do so. It influences every decision you make and thought you have. You believe so much in what you're typing that despite being completely inane, it is the only thing you know.

That's terribly sad.

What's terribly sad is that when you hear a logical counter-argument laid out, instead of researching it, you launch into attack mode against the person themselves, not the argument.

Nearly everything I made in counter to your argument was fact, outside of the line of questioning regarding the intent of Facebook and Google and their copious amount of lobbying against repeal (which is fact). Yet here you are, mindless going on about how I must've been brainwashed. There's only one person that's been brainwashed in this argument, and it's not me. That's why I could logically debunk your argument and not attack you personally.
Originally Posted By: alarmguy
he USA internet is the most successful internet in the world

Know how I know you don't know what you're talking about?

That you think there is a "USA internet".
Originally Posted By: JustN89
There's only one person that's been brainwashed in this argument, and it's not me.

Ok there Pee Wee:
Originally Posted By: alarmguy

I amazed at the responses in here, just amazing and you wonder why we have a a hundred trillion dollars of red ink in this country. Government controlling things is never good, Net Neutrality was and is a bomb and I am glad its ending.

All the little people now think they are going to now get scre++d because politicians said so.

Your being scammed, as usual, if you think so.
My god, Net Neutrality only put power in the hands of the special interests and your public servants.
Now its free again, small companies are free to start up and compete. Net Neutrality actually HELPED THE BIG INTERNET PROVIDERS BY STAMPING OUT COMPETITION FROM SMALL COMPANIES.
My god, what did you think, Spectrum< Verizon, Charter werent lining the pockets of the last administration who was in the White House when it passed? Wake up .. .

Oh, I can't wait for small startup companies to really put a dent in Verizon/Comcast's hold on the market. Free market will reign all over the place and these giants of industry are going to tremble. The FCC are the true heros here. Consumers will have so many great choices, the best choices really. All of our prices will drop its going to be a great day for America. Comcast will have no choice but to bow to the new consumer driven market, no longer will we need to go to them as our source of internet access.
Originally Posted By: alarmguy
I amazed at the responses in here, just amazing and you wonder why we have a a hundred trillion dollars of red ink in this country. Government controlling things is never good, Net Neutrality was and is a bomb and I am glad its ending.

All the little people now think they are going to now get scre++d because politicians said so.

Your being scammed, as usual, if you think so.
My god, Net Neutrality only put power in the hands of the special interests and your public servants.
Now its free again, small companies are free to start up and compete. Net Neutrality actually HELPED THE BIG INTERNET PROVIDERS BY STAMPING OUT COMPETITION FROM SMALL COMPANIES.
My god, what did you think, Spectrum< Verizon, Charter werent lining the pockets of the last administration who was in the White House when it passed? Wake up .. .

And this post proves it. You don't understand what it is or why it was put in place to begin with.

Originally Posted By: MrHorspwer
Originally Posted By: alarmguy
he USA internet is the most successful internet in the world

Know how I know you don't know what you're talking about?

That you think there is a "USA internet".

The one and only time I will respond to a retarded comment on one of my posts.


All on its own, without greedy politicians having big companies lining their pockets with money. Through Net Neutrality the Politicians can start to line their pockets with special interests groups giving them money to create exemptions and laws benefiting those companies, well, thank god its being ended, back to hands off the internet.
Why on freaking earth do people think government will make things cheaper. Just plain STUPID.
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Originally Posted By: HemiHawk
alarmguy said:
you do realize the fake comments, and stolen identities of real people, were in opposition of net neutrality? Basically the bought heads of the FCC are lying saying people are opposed to it.

There is something you don't realize. If FCC is doing it now, then they, more likely than not, did it 2 years ago.

My personal opinion is that all of this is a designed attempt to create an uproar, real and fake, so that a different gov agency/branch with much more bite can take over and create an even more stringent set of rules, because the people demanded it.

That's how these things are done, small, incremental steps designed to obscure the big picture. And of course create situations where the public demand gav control.
Originally Posted By: alarmguy
Originally Posted By: MrHorspwer
Originally Posted By: alarmguy
he USA internet is the most successful internet in the world

Know how I know you don't know what you're talking about?

That you think there is a "USA internet".

The one and only time I will respond to a retarded comment on one of my posts.


All on its own, without greedy politicians having big companies lining their pockets with money. Through Net Neutrality the Politicians can start to line their pockets with special interests groups giving them money to create exemptions and laws benefiting those companies, well, thank god its being ended, back to hands off the internet.
Why on freaking earth do people think government will make things cheaper. Just plain STUPID.

I'm sorry if pointing out you're wrong makes me "retarded", but it still doesn't change that there is no "USA internet".

At this point, this is all I got for you:

Internet - Wikipedia
Originally Posted By: MrHorspwer
Originally Posted By: JustN89
There's only one person that's been brainwashed in this argument, and it's not me.

Ok there Pee Wee:

I guess this answers my question:

Originally Posted By: JustN89
And what evidence do you have to the contrary? Or can you only post in videos?

This is my issue with the whole thing. People like this stomping their feet and crying as if this is the end of the world, when really we were getting screwed before and we are getting screwed again, just in a different way. Everyone getting into heated debates on this topic needs to take a giant Midol and calm down. A year from now, when we are all still posting on BITOG (at least those who want to), I hope then that we can realize that this was a giant freak out for no real reason, other than some political leaders and Content Providers told us that we need to freak out. At the end of the day, none of this (NN and its repeal) was ever done for the consumer and it never will be.
If you look at the charts I posted there might be some government impact there … while my 20-something son pays $600/month for medical and not that good of a plan (he is 5-11” & 160 lbs … eats right - in gym daily)
Originally Posted By: KrisZ
Originally Posted By: HemiHawk
alarmguy said:
you do realize the fake comments, and stolen identities of real people, were in opposition of net neutrality? Basically the bought heads of the FCC are lying saying people are opposed to it.

There is something you don't realize. If FCC is doing it now, then they, more likely than not, did it 2 years ago.

So the FCC lied about comments in favor of removing a regulation... Something there is strong evidence for. So the argument is they probably did the same thing to pass it?
Here’s What Getting Rid Of Net Neutrality Will Do To Netflix

“Netflix acknowledged long ago that these kinds of costs of delivering streaming video are minimal to their bottom line,” William Rinehart, director of technology and innovation policy at the American Action Forum, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Moreover, they announced a month before this new regulation was released that they were going to raise prices to develop more content. Content development is driving cost increases on platforms, not this simple regulatory change.”
Originally Posted By: JustN89

This is my issue with the whole thing. People like this stomping their feet and crying as if this is the end of the world, when really we were getting screwed before and we are getting screwed again, just in a different way. Everyone getting into heated debates on this topic needs to take a giant Midol and calm down. A year from now, when we are all still posting on BITOG (at least those who want to), I hope then that we can realize that this was a giant freak out for no real reason, other than some political leaders and Content Providers told us that we need to freak out. At the end of the day, none of this (NN and its repeal) was ever done for the consumer and it never will be.

I mean, I don't think anyone is saying sites will be blocked tomorrow. Its just that now they can be... And throttling of media sites that go against what the ISPs are pushing. But there is some truth in what you're saying that very little is done to benefit the consumer. Corporations run this country. Every once in awhile you get a truly good politician who tries to help the people, but they don't last long.
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