Environmentalists position on drilling

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Apr 17, 2005
I just talked to someone that is a spokesperson for Greenpeace that said we should not drill in the US to protect the planet. Does that mean we should import as much as possible (we do) and trust foreign countries to be the custodian of the environment with their drilling practices instead of our own. The message I get from these people is that the foreign countries have better environmental laws, controls and safety in place than the US. These environmental people I met said that this also guarantees a global economy and will promote peace. These people are really good. I could never make statements like that with a straight face.
This guy really doesn't get out much.

I could really feel the environmental concern when Saddam H torched the oil fields during Gulf War I
So, where is all this untapped oil that we should go get? The only such place I know of that environmentalists oppose drilling in is ANWR.
The rest is either already being drilled, or there are restrictions due to NIMBY's, which all of you probably are anyway.
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