End Of Microsoft

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I'm not a big fan of "cloud" computing... Makes me nervous to not to have a computer as a stand alone device. Plus we don't really have good highspeed access at home.
Right now it would only be a minor PITA if google somehow got wiped out by a virus, if everyones work software lived on google servers then it would be a big big problem...
Microsoft is much more easygoing and developer friendly than Apple at the current moment.

Google currently is king but they are too slow to fix issues and need to split up.
What a joke that article is. Personally I would not trust 'cloud computing.' There are data thiefs all the time with the technology we have right now. And you have to put your trust in somebody else. I think the true future will be a combination of cloud computing and desktop computing mating the strong points of both.

And people have been predicting the end of Microsoft for a long time now. When I almost switched to Linux many years ago there were Linux websites where people were openly predicting that Microsoft would be history in five years. Well, it has been more than five years since those predictions were made.

Some people think Apple is going to replace Microsoft. For that to happen Apple better replace Steve Jobs first. It is too much of a cult of personality in my opinion at Apple. You don't want Jobs to get angry at somebody. Goggle and Apple were once close friends. And Jobs has said some stuff about Adobe also (maybe Adobe deserved some of that). Jobs booted Motorola chips out the door and went to Intel. And Apple computers are in my opinion grossly overpriced. They are just computers like any other computers.

Even if Microsoft started to go downhill at a rate of 10% a year it would still take years for Microsoft to experience a serious decline. And Windows 7 is a sucessful product and most people still use Windows and Microsoft Office.

That article is just another one in a long series of 'I hate Microsoft' mumbo jumbo. It is good for a laugh. And I will believe that 'cloud computing' will totally replace desktop computing when I see it happen.
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Originally Posted By: Mystic
I think the true future will be a combination of cloud computing and desktop computing mating the strong points of both.

That makes most sense to me. I am currently setting up a small VPS server to handle (open source) web-based office suite, file sharing, photo and media storage and playback, email and instant messaging for my wife's department at school. No one really trusts Google from either a privacy or quality or service standpoint, and a little bit of know-how lets me customize the look-and-feel and function set of our custom "platform" as I need.

Originally Posted By: Mystic
Linux websites where people were openly predicting that Microsoft would be history in five years.

"Year Of The Linux Desktop"; it's always next year. :^)
Given that cloud computing isn't trusted by the majority of people, I don't put much stock in that article. A recent Harris poll revealed that only 25% of people actually trust cloud computing with their personal information.

Harris Poll Results

But for the 25% that do trust cloud computing, Microsoft is already working in that direction.

Exchange Server Cloud Computing

I count myself with the majority-there is no way that I'd trust my personal information exclusively on someone else's data center.
This isn't an artical, it's an editorial. Actually, it may be more of a sales pitch than an editorial.

Look up the author, Marc Beinoff, and his comnpany, salesforce.com.

CRM software solutions and enterprise cloud computing from salesforce.com, the leader in CRM and platform as a service

A company that sells cloud computing solutions is writing about how the cloud is already here and everyone who isn't using an Apple product is behind the times? Wow, that's a big surprise!
Perhaps mainframes and time-sharing will return? Like IBM in 1982, did he forget that computers need operating systems?

Apple caters to consumers. Business IT can't plan with the surprise announcements and secrets, and they want ownership and control of the storage and distribution of their intellectual property.

And Windows 7 is a sucessful product and most people still use Windows and Microsoft Office.

Odd that their products from 20 years ago are still their only successful products.


Somehow I see MSFT evolving, and changing to meet the times and competition. JMO

Just like GM.....

They need to get rid of Ballmer. Period.

MS has a long history of underestimating virtually every new trend; that is why Office and OS are their cash cow.

The Web,
Portable music
linux etc etc etc.

Problem is they want to dominate everything and end up dominating nothing. (except desktop) Too many irons the fire. A swarm of bees are around them and they are trying to swat them all.

New technologies are being deployed all over the place and their "relevance" is virtually zero in most of them. App servers, databases, cloud, mobile computing, none "sporting" their contributions.

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Really, just two things need to be said. The first thing that needs to be said is that it is quite acceptable to put down Microsoft on the internet. In fact, if somebody puts down Microsoft they will be called a genius by some. But just try to put down Linux or Apple on the internet and see what happens. That is really all that needs to be said about that. If you don't understand what I am trying to say it does not matter.

The only other thing that needs to be said is that Microsoft is on some 95% of all desktop computers in the world (notice I did not say servers) and some 90% of everybody uses Microsoft Office. Even Apple Computer users often use Microsoft Office on their Apple Computers (Microsoft Office for the Macintosh). And many Apple users run Windows in addition to Mac OS X on their Intel Apple Computers. And a lot of Linux computer owners run WINE.

Computers running Windows are some of the most user friendly computers available. Windows computers are the most compatible computers available for software and hardware. And the typical Windows computer is much cheaper than an Apple Computer.

I can think of only one major problem for Windows computers and that is security and danger from malware. And that problem is easily solved by using an antivirus like the Kaspersky or Norton with maybe Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware in reserve. Anybody who thinks Apple Computers are perfectly secure is living in Dreamland.

Cloud computing will have its role. But it will not totally replace desktop computing. And the Linux and Apple fans are going to have to try harder if they want to replace Microsoft.
Mystic. Your observations are spot on.

We should all be very happy Apple did not dominate the OS scene. They know better what is in the best interest of their users (like Flash).
Originally Posted By: brandini
Microsoft is much more easygoing and developer friendly than Apple at the current moment.

Google currently is king but they are too slow to fix issues and need to split up.

I'm beginning to wonder how many cookie jars is google going to put it's hands into? What's next google branded hardware? How about google branded furniture that they developed so people can stay in one spot for days on end without loosing comfort (so they can stay on the internet all the time).

Heck how about google branded food!

Cloud computing will have its role. But it will not totally replace desktop computing. And the Linux and Apple fans are going to have to try harder if they want to replace Microsoft.

I think you are missing the point. People are beginning to live WITHOUT the desktop and MS is nowhere to be found Notice the explosion of netbooks etc running Linux and Windows. No one really cares about Word or Access when they are mobile and communicating with friends. Billions of people out there who don't even have a desk who I'm pretty sure that don't care about a desktop PC.

The more they focus on office apps and OS, the more they are missing a big opportunity.

Notice how Apple has pretty much sidelined their computers and instead focused in on iPhone and Ipod and Ipad? Even you indicated they had changed their name and dropped "Computers"; that was a good observation. Steve understands where the money will be in the future and has realigned accordingly. This is what MS needs to do.
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My future is unclouded. I don't use office apps much. I do have some letters on my to do list. They will written on an ancient Power Mac using Clarisworks. That will be a fly swatting task best suited to my flyswatter. Word and its Open Office work alikes, is a sledge hammer I have never had enough use for to learn to use or each new version. When I load up a word processor, I want the same thing as when I used it a month or 2 ago or longer. I am sick, sick, sick of new features and gagdets getting in the way every time I go to do something. It seems you can't even buy a cheap digital watch anymore that I don't have to dig out the instructions to set the time. No, they all have 5 buttons that will do 50 things I have no use for.

So I am not interested in a word processor with a new interface and new features to learn every time I have to crank out a letter to the benighted non connected. I don't want to have to search through menus to change defaults only an idiot would have chosen. Besides, cable goes off now and then or maybe it is my router. Even if the power goes off taking cable with it, I can fire up my generator, plug the house in and write my letter on which ever one of the 5 computers we have that I choose.

As for the idea Windows is friendly, you have to be kidding. Microsoft has long had the marketing power to ram hard to use software don't peoples throats.

With vista the Linex geeks muffed a chance to kill Windows off by failing to give Linex the ''just works'' you can have for a price from Apple.
People worry about Microsoft keeping tabs on them but I worry far more about Google. There have been some serious security incidents involving Google and they try to keep too much personal information on people. And now we have these people saying that cloud computing will replace desktop computing? I am supposed to trust Google? I don't think so. There is enough security issues today without having to trust somebody online somewhere for the security of your information, documents, etc.

Netbooks and iPhones and stuff like that are not the answers for everybody. I do a lot more with my computer than just sent email, visit websites, and type up simple letters. I need a computer that is compatible with scanners and printers because I do photography. Businesses need more than just a simple word processor because of all of the needs of business. So it is important to have software like Microsoft Office. And Microsoft Word and Office are so widely used a person needs to be able to use that software. Like I said above, even a lot of Apple users use Microsoft Word or Microsoft Office (Microsoft Office for the Macintosh).

There are a lot of reasons I left Apple. Some of the reasons I will keep to myself. I can remember when Apple desktops were fairly reasonable in price-somewhat more expensive than Windows computers but not to bad. Today a real desktop computer like the Mac Pro is insanely expensive. I am willing to bet that if Apple allowed people to build computers that used the Apple operating system many people could build quite acceptable computers running Mac OX X for a third or half the price that Apple charges. People, Apple Computers are computers. I don't like all-in-ones (iMac) that much because if the monitor fails you lose the entire computer (or face an insanely expensive repair bill from Apple unless you have expensive extended service).

Apple now makes a lot of its money from iPhones, iPods, and stuff like that. In fact only about a third perhaps of Apple's profits come from computers. So Apple is kind of a consumer electronics company today.

I can't stand the cult-like insanity of some people who use Apple Computers and some people involved in Linux. There is a lot that could be said about that but I will just say this-everything from Microsoft, Apple, Sun, etc., is just technology. The technology we use today will be replaced by more advanced technology (unless the human race becomes extinct). I don't think technology should be something that people worship. Whatever computer technology you are using today will someday be replaced by more advanced technology in the future.
Originally Posted By: Mystic
I am willing to bet that if Apple allowed people to build computers that used the Apple operating system many people could build quite acceptable computers running Mac OX X for a third or half the price that Apple charges.

If you remove the "allowed" part from your statement, you have yourself a Hackintosh!
Actually, a while back people were selling a device called the 'EF-IX' or something like that that made it possible to use various computer components to built a working computer that could run Mac OS X. It was possible to build a computer running Mac OS X for something like $800.00 to $1500.00 or so, where in comparison a Mac Pro costs $2700.00 base price (no monitor). You can see what kind of a profit Apple apparently gets, especially when you realize that some Apple components are apparently assembled by low cost labor in China.

However, I later heard some disturbing stuff about that 'EF-IX' gizmo. Apparently it was being built in Taiwan with about $10.00 worth of components and then being sold for something like $200.00. So actually if you could get the cheap gear that makes it all possible you could build a computer running Mac OS X for even less.

Frankly, I can no longer see the need for an Apple Computer anyway. A very wise computer woman told me years ago that Apple Computers had once filled a need not filled by Windows Computers. This woman was able to see the handwriting on the wall years before anybody else. I wish I had listened to her.

Once you just about had to have an Apple Computer to run Photoshop, work on photos, do page layout, illustration, computer graphics, etc. You can do all of that today at less price with a Windows Computer. In fact sometimes Adobe products come out for Windows before they are available for the Mac. Apple Computers seem to have become kind of an expensive luxury and image item.
In any case, this post was basically about cloud computing. What is cloud computing? Somewhere there are computers, server type computers or whatever, that make it possible for people to use online applications, either for free or for a fee. There still has to be computers somewhere, and somebody has control of those computers.

It is kind of like hiring a new employee without a background check. Where I work there is an employee whose job is to do background checks on all potential new employees.

Are you doing any background checks on the people running the computers that have the online applications you will be using? Where will these computers be located? Will the computers be in the United States or will they be maybe be in India to utilize cheaper labor? How about China?

So you want to run your business online? You want to use online applications for your important business information, confidential documents, etc.? You want to run around with your netbook or your iPhone and run your business from the internet. How secure is the information going to and from the online computers? How secure is the information (your business information) located on a computer hard drive somewhere in the world? Do you really want for all of your information to be located on that hard drive in India, or China, or Brazil, or wherever? They tell you the information is encrypted and totally safe. That is nice. Encryption can be defeated. What if there is a revolution in the country where the computers are located with your business information on a hard drive in that country? What if a Zero Day attack knocks out a lot of the internet? What if storms knock out communications to the internet? If your confidential business information gets lost or stolen or compromised who do you sue if the computers are in China?

Yes, we can run our businesses and governmental agencies and so forth from the internet! We don't need expensive computers. All we need is a netbook or maybe just an iPhone. We can outsource everything. Google will take care of us! We can lay off or fire a lot of employees and run our entire business or governmental agency from the internet!
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