donated plasma today

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Aug 5, 2002
Silicon Valley
Got a call from Stanford blood center today, they said they are having a severe blood shortage and one kid needed my blood urgently. I was kind of surprise because of my AB+ blood type and the kid probably can use anything. I couldn't refuse because I'd feel really bad if someone couldn't perform their procedure or lost their life because of my fear of needle.

Made an appointment and went to the blood center in 2 hours, ends up donating plasma instead so they can take twice as much. Turns out that the plasma of AB has no antibody and is actually "universal". Not sure if this is what they were trying to get originally, I hope they didn't make a mistake and the patient gets what they need.

Instead of a bag, they hook up a machine to my arm and ask me to keep it in position for almost 45 minutes. I think the nurse was new as she position my arm in such a way that I was so numb, that I couldn't hold and twist the roller to keep blood flowing. Took me a whole 1.5 hr from the beginning to the end when I'm out the door.

Donating plasma feels better than donating whole blood. The last 2 times I donate blood my whole body feels really cold, but this time I feel fine after a couple cups of juice, 3 cookies, and a cup of coffee.
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Ive donated plasma years back, back when they were buying it for $8 a visit and I was a starving 18 year old desperate to remain out of my parents home and intoxicated at the same time. I only do blood these days (donated today as well actually). I never have to mark the next donation visit on my calendar as they are usually calling the day of to schedule me to go in. I guess my B+ juice is a popular vote around blood banks.
O- here, and give whole blood, every time they try to convince me to give plasma. they can segregate whole blood donations into many different products anyway depending on what they need - plasma, red cells, etc; so still very usefull and can be spread across many areas. don't like the idea of my fluids being put back into me; they can take it out but i don't want it back, thanks.
Thank you for your donation. I had some problems back in 1998 and had between 15 and 20 full transfusions. Most blood and plasma is donated just from doctors and nurses but everyone who can should be doing this at least 2 times a year. Don't wait for drives, although in my area they give out a free ozzfest ticket if you donate when the concert season hits.
Originally Posted By: Jakegday
after my friend got HIV from donating plasma, i donate nothing that involves a needle

When and where did this happen?
I thought they get just The red blood cells. Am I wrong?

I have done this before. They hook you up to the machine, take blood and puts it into a bag, then seperates the blood from the plasma, and shoots the plasma back into your skin. That allows them to get twice as much usable blood after several times.

The plasma was clear. When they shot it back into me, you could see it go downthe tubes and it made a strange feeling when it entered my body. It was slighty cooler because it was out of my body for a while.
Cool stuff.

And HIV? What'd hey do, use the same needle? I doubt it. Show me a link. I wouldve sued if that was the case. Show me proof.
Originally Posted By: Jakegday
after my friend got HIV from donating plasma, i donate nothing that involves a needle

I woulda sued the [censored] out of those people. Usually when I give blood, they open a needle out of a fresh package in front of me. Everything they use is package and unopened.
Originally Posted By: crinkles
O- here, and give whole blood, every time they try to convince me to give plasma. they can segregate whole blood donations into many different products anyway depending on what they need - plasma, red cells, etc; so still very usefull and can be spread across many areas. don't like the idea of my fluids being put back into me; they can take it out but i don't want it back, thanks.


Putting fluids back is a scary thought, if you ask me.
I tried to donate blood twice now. Once back in the 60's and the last time a couple of years ago. Nobody wants it, having had Encephalitis as a youngster, Polio as a teen, and now Leukemia, sorta makes my blood unwanted.
Originally Posted By: jcwit
I tried to donate blood twice now. Once back in the 60's and the last time a couple of years ago. Nobody wants it, having had Encephalitis as a youngster, Polio as a teen, and now Leukemia, sorta makes my blood unwanted.

same thing is with me - no one wants my blood. having lived in England in the late 80-s when they had the CJD/mad cow issues, I am a risk of having prions in my blood.
Originally Posted By: Jakegday
after my friend got HIV from donating plasma, i donate nothing that involves a needle

To each his own. So you get no flue shots, etc?? Risks versus benefits. I think you have it way wrong. I can't let fear rule my life.

Oh yea I give blood twice/year and proud to help someone else. Makes me feel great.
Plasma donation is the same as red cell only donation, except they pump the red cell back to you instead of the plasma. Plasma of AB is actual universal, and red cell of O is universal.

Man, now I'm freaked out about the HIV risk, I read Stanford's website and they said they use a single use tubing system.

Jake, when and where did your friend donate? Is it a big establishment hospital / blood bank? or is it a "blood sales" kind of establishment?
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Originally Posted By: Jakegday
after my friend got HIV from donating plasma, i donate nothing that involves a needle

My Father got hepatitus C after a transfusion at the Hospital.
[Badly bleeding ulcer].
They still charged incredible amounts of money to slowly kill him later.
I'm thankful that others have donated blood. if they were not as giving, I would not be here today. I'm 33 years old and have been healthy all my life until last September. I woke up on 9/11 coughing up bright red blood. I knew it was bad when I coughed so hard, blood was pouring out of my nostrils. My pulmonary artery was bleeding from a histoplasmosis fungal mass in my right lung that could only be seen with a CT chest scan with contrast. I was bleeding to death. Eventually, 60% of my right lung was removed and I had several complications including pneumonia and a pleural effusion in the hospital where I almost died. I know I received at least four blood transfusions that I know of. Donating blood does make a difference. My lung surgeon said that he expects me to make a full recovery. I cherish every day and I thank GOD that I'm still alive.
Originally Posted By: Cutehumor
I'm thankful that others have donated blood. I cherish every day and I thank GOD that I'm still alive.

I think I'll go out tomorrow and donate.
Glad you are still doing well.
Jakegday, we'd still like to hear from you regarding when and where your friend contracted a disease from donating plasma.
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