donated plasma today

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I've donated regularly for years. All needles and equipment is sterile and single-use so I really don't see how it would be possible to be infected with anything.

I did give concentrated red cells once where they hook you up to a small centrifuge device. The feeling when it pumps clarified blood back into your vein is one WEIRD feeling indeed.
I donated plasma 10 years ago when I needed cash bad. I think they paid $30? Took about an hour, and they pumped (colder than body temperature) saline and whatever else back into you... I remember getting really cold. Only did that twice.. not really a big fan of the process. But if it did someone good (besides my wallet) great.
I've donated plasma via apheresis many, many times - probably 10+. I used to be on the call list for the Red Cross in Atlanta and they would call me like clockwork to schedule my next donation right at the limit after the previous one. Always liked doing so and should get back into the habit.

They always open the one-time-use tubing & needles right in front of me - contracting anything from it is literally the last thing I would ever worry about.
Originally Posted By: Al
Originally Posted By: Cutehumor
I'm thankful that others have donated blood. I cherish every day and I thank GOD that I'm still alive.

I think I'll go out tomorrow and donate.
Glad you are still doing well.

I've donated twice this year. They sent me card that indicates I've given more than a gallon.

If they issued cards that indicated one has RECEIVED more than a gallon of donated blood, I would have one of those as well.
I know my father is well over 10 gallons. Maybe 15, I haven't asked him in quite some time what the current tally is.

I wish I could get over my aversion to it, but I about pass out just watching him do it.
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