Do you lock your stuff up?

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Feb 24, 2019
Not here
Around here there is little to no thievery. I'm not sure when the last time I locked the house was. Keys are in the vehicles. Sheds don't have locks. Just thinking there is probably 8 or 9 AR's with in 500' of my place.
The babe thinks we should get a 3 camera Blink system. Not real sure why.
How secure is your area?
Lock the house? If we leave to go to the condo for a few days we do. Other than than it's usually not locked. A few friends/neighbors know they can stop by and borrow something if needed. Several of them have keys.

Never been afraid, never will be.
In our area construction sites and motel parking lots seem to be high theft areas
I live in a decent neighborhood, but have always kept my home and cars locked. Quite ways to do as I rarely use the doors, just the garage door. Have an ADT alarm system and Ring cameras too. Those are for a concern we had earlier this year but I'm happy keeping them. The 1970 Beetle out front has never been locked. No worries with it.

Here's the front cam, UPS delivery:

Here's the side cam, neighbor putting away his lawn mower:
Rural Nebraska is pretty safe and unlocked doors are not unusual. Omaha however has some violent crime but it is fairly clustered to certain areas of town and generally gang related. I lock my doors and have security cameras, good lighting, and security company signage as well as a large dog. I believe prevention is key and having these things in place makes my home look less inviting to thieves. In the event that a burglar ignores all the warning signs and decides to come in anyway I'm prepared for that also.
Goodness you're all just bound to be hit by 'thieves of opportunity' one day for being so lax. My area was the same way, but then these out-of-staters started coming through little by little, driving around nice neighborhoods at night and simply going by each house to check for unlocked doors/garages/cars/etc. They all hit between 4-5AM which is when most people are deep asleep and they prey on people who insist on leaving things unlocked. Cars, golf clubs, guns, phones, wallets.. it boggles my mind that people would leave all that in their vehicles and not carry them 20 feet into the house and set them on the kitchen counter.

This isn't a type of crime that occurs in poor neighborhoods. It's quite literally a problem only because middle or upper-middle class people can afford nice things while digging their heels in that "crime shouldn't happen and I'm not gonna change my ways".

Everything is locked. I'll spend the extra second locking and unlocking. A girl I'm dating is really stupid about not locking her car or pretty much anything. Lives in a darker area and doesn't lock her car. Guess who just had her fitbit taken after her 2nd recent car break-in.
My neighbor are all decent working people, but -

I lock house, shed and vehicle to prevent an opportunist from making me a victim.

If I park in the driveway (over-night), I bring the garage-door Remote Control in with me.
IN Chattanooga tn, you best lock it up these days....The days of idiots and gangs have arrived...its not the 50's anymore
Yep-all the time and re-enforced as I caught a brazen career burglar in my garage about 10 years ago at 8AM even as I was home and getting ready to wash a car in the driveway.
Originally Posted by fisher83
Rural Nebraska is pretty safe and unlocked doors are not unusual. Omaha however has some violent crime but it is fairly clustered to certain areas of town and generally gang related. I lock my doors and have security cameras, good lighting, and security company signage as well as a large dog. I believe prevention is key and having these things in place makes my home look less inviting to thieves. In the event that a burglar ignores all the warning signs and decides to come in anyway I'm prepared for that also.

I live in rural Nebraska but still lock everything up, house, cars, etc and remain loaded at all times. Not much to worry about up here but I don't provide much temptation either. I left the garage door open the other night but it's no reason to worry. There is crime here but it's pretty low compared to city crime.
Originally Posted by Reddy45
Goodness you're all just bound to be hit by 'thieves of opportunity' one day for being so lax. My area was the same way, but then these out-of-staters started coming through little by little, driving around nice neighborhoods at night and simply going by each house to check for unlocked doors/garages/cars/etc. They all hit between 4-5AM which is when most people are deep asleep and they prey on people who insist on leaving things unlocked. Cars, golf clubs, guns, phones, wallets.. it boggles my mind that people would leave all that in their vehicles and not carry them 20 feet into the house and set them on the kitchen counter.

This isn't a type of crime that occurs in poor neighborhoods. It's quite literally a problem only because middle or upper-middle class people can afford nice things while digging their heels in that "crime shouldn't happen and I'm not gonna change my ways".


Great post here ^^^^^^^^

Happened in my area 2 years ago... 8 unlocked cars gotten into... And a BMW stolen because the Asian student left the car unlocked with the keys in it..... Car was returned actually in good shape. I didn't feel bad for the dumb William and Mary student...

I put a note on her car about it having a flat tire... World Champion drove on it anyway... And killed the rim... Took 3 weeks for her to get a new tire and rim from the factory.
Never understood the "have never locked up and never will" thing. Guess to prove something to the rest of us. Seriously, 99% of cars today it takes a click of the remote and locking the door on the way out might take 5 seconds.

Nothing bad ever happens or ever will, until it does then the fairy tale dies.
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