Do people still fall for these internet scams?

Apr 27, 2010
Suburban Washington DC
I haven't gotten one in a long time and assume it has been played out and nobody fell for them anymore, but got this today,

Attn: TO You,

NOTE: If you received this message in your SPAM/BULK folder, it is because of the restrictions imposed by your Mail/Internet Service Provider, we urge you to treat it genuinely.

I’m Diplomat Mark Wilfred I have been trying to reach you about an hour now just to inform you about my successful arrived Dallas/Fort Worth International airport Texas with your two Boxes of Consignment Box worth $9.5M Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars which I have been instructed by United Nations Compensation Commission(UNCC) to be delivered to you. The Airport authority demanded for all the legal back up papers to prove to them that the fund is no way related with drug money, I have presented the papers I handed to them and they are very much pleased with the paper's I presented but the only thing that is still keeping me here is the Yellow Tag which is not placed on the boxes, one of the Airport Authority has advise that we get the yellow tag so that I can exit the airport immediately and make my delivery successful. I try to reason with them and they stated the yellow tag will cost us just $100 Dollars only to get the two tag placed on the boxes as that tag will enable deliver today

Please try and reach me with my number (929) 456-3767 TEXT ME OR CALL ME as I can not afford to spend more time here due to other delivery I have to take care of. Here are the papers backing the funds together with my ID CARD as I can accompany you to your bank were you will deposit the fund successfully with these papers. I have all vital paper with me but I can only present you the hard copy when I reach your house as that it's the diplomatic rules, such as authorization to deliver.

Re-confirm to me your information urgent
Full Name...............
Correct phone number ...........
Delivery Address ..............
Your Nearest International Airport.............

You can direct the tag fee to our Head Office as they will get the Yellow Tag here for you authority. reply on my E-mail ([email protected]) GET BACK TO ME WITH THE $100 NOW BUY $100 ITUNES CARD SEND ME THE PICTURE NOW


E-mail ([email protected])
CALL OR TEXT ME URGENT +1(929) 456-3767
Zangi messager 10-5935-1118

Do some people still believe they will get millions just out of the blue if they send a picture of some itune card? Mark has a pretty good grasp of the English language so it doesn't seem like he is a rookie with broken English and bad spelling.
Unfortunately I do think some elderly still fall for this
Altering medication can mess up one's brain, mess with one's ability to filter and process information. One doesn't have to have dementia to fall for this (but both groups are at risk).

I'm guessing these scams cost nothing to email out. So they'll never die off.
With phone numbers and email addresses included in these scam emailing, you'd think law enforcement could trace back often enough to "put the heat on" these creeps....or at least establish strong region based (source) filters.

Seriously, identify the trunk routes and poison the well from their end. Make any business from the "usual suspect countries" use well lighted pathways to commerce.
Yes, people do. A friend’s FIL has been trying to send money to a “woman” in another country multiple times. His bank and financial advisor has told him it’s a scam and have finally told him he needs to close his account and take his money elsewhere if he wants to send the wire.

He’s lost about $20k so far.
Unfortunately I do think some elderly still fall for this
Sad, but very true.

Just over the past few months I've heard of two incidents close to me:

A close friend, after a call from his elderly Mother who is an educated woman, intercepted her as she had withdrawn a large amount of money after being contact by 'her bank' and being told that her account was compromised and she had to withdraw her funds to keep them from being stolen.

An older relative of mine, recently widowed, was contacted via FB by a woman who stated that she was a "lottery winner" who wanted to share her time and money with local nice people, and she thought he appeared nice and..... When another relative mentioned it to me, I scoffed and said the scammers are getting worse or something and thought nothing of it. Few days later, the same relative mentions that the other relative was talking to this person and then it hit me, so I made it very clear that these were scams, but I'm not sure it fully sank in... I will follow up.

A pox on these scammer folk who do this.
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If Apple and Amazon weren’t evil they would require retailers to conduct an interview before selling gift cards totaling over $25. Especially Apple because almost all their gift cards are redeemed for digital media that doesn’t require a physical address for delivery.
Just use a in good standing, reliable credit card. I just ordered two drones last winter off a email. Seemed too good to be true and of course it was. I felt it was scam immediately as there was no confirmation of my CC charge except from the CC company as a predetermine alert on over $100.

So I immediately got ahold of the CC company and started a scam case. They immediately credited my account the amount and started an investigation. After a couple of days I get a sales confirmation receipt and the drones show up in sub par packaging. Looked to be floor models and put back in original display packaging. Then in a bag for shipping.

One controller was damaged and I asked for replacement, again getting no reply. I told the CC company what happened and the investigation continued. About three weeks later I get a email saying case is closed.

So I got two drones and one controller. They both work. And the money refunded. And the seller marked as scammer.
If they weren't making money from it, they'd stop. Same for malware.
I think humans still have a trust in computer based information. It is always good to remember, humans (for the most part) are responsible for the information a computer presents. Stop, think (and maybe try searching for 'is this a scam') then take an action.
I get these things around the same time every year. It's always the same group of jokers telling me that I need to send more money to them because what I paid throughout the year just wasn't enough. These clowns even tell me that if I don't send them the money before April 15 that they'll send their armed thugs after me. Always signed - THE IRS.
yes this happens all too often more than we hear of. It's an awful shame. my heart goes out to the elderly and seniors that aren't tech savvy they really get beat the most.