Do Bitog atheists get offended easily?

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Sep 24, 2010
Mid-Atlantic States, USA
Yah, I got a post in here deleted because I happen to mention the word "dog". (Spelled backwards)

Somebody asked for prayers from the members here and I innocently mention the word.

It was never meant to offend the atheists here. But if the rules were really black & white then wouldn't that include the word prayer? Hence the post under the rules would have been deleted. Moreover, because people might accidently mention a word that was never meant to offend while offering support.

Prayer is a form of religious practice that seeks to activate a volitional connection to a god or spirit through deliberate practice.

I believe common sense should apply in all situations and the main thing is the person who is sick and supporting them in any way we can.

Am I being to sensitive? And is anybody offended?

I think if you keep the post with the word prayer, which indirectly relates to some type of religion. Why be so strict on one word and not the other? They indirectly related.

Somebody asked for prayers, of course it includes all aspects of this concept.

I guess it would have been better if we asked people to wish us luck, if some family member is sick as not to offend anyhbody.

MOST likely this post will be deleted very soon.
Are you sure it did not get deleted by accident? There are several post in that thread that say GOD bless her and one of the posters has God Bless Our Troops in his signature.

Did you happen to check with one of the moderators?
fella you havent offended me in the least! i support your cause! the editing/restrictions on here are rediculious! most likely this will be shut down and we may be kicked off for a month! but in GODS eye, whose right? thats all that matters! more power to ya pal!
What do the PC police hope to accomplish by getting a post deleted that was intended to help someone out simply because someone mentioned god and prayer?

If you don't believe in someone else's beliefs and they're not trying to convert you, keep your mouth shut (or your fingers off your keyboard). Problem solved.
Moderating these boards may be extreme at times, but its a tough act to walk the fines lines and we posters do cross those lines at times. religion and politics are no win type of discussions and should not be allowed.
To get feedback?

For one are you offended?

Well is anybody offended?

I don't like smoking but I don't get offended with smokers being part of society.

I don't get offended if you don't believe in a higher being.

Should one word be accepted but not another?

Perhaps input?
Why would an atheist even click to follow a link that is obviously of no interest to them?

I think most of the narc-ers on this forum are more upset when they get surprise ambushed with a rules violation, someone cussing on youtube etc.

Asking for prayer means no more than "in God we trust" on our money, it does not specify any religion really and invites the depth, lack of depth, or complete absence of the reader's empathy as appropriate.
Originally Posted By: simple_gifts
what do you hope to accomplish with this post?
u r probably rite,,religion is like bottles of oil,,,,so to speak,,,sometimes this oil works and sometimes it doesnt, then we get 40 million reasons why different groups say their religion is better and things get stupid in here as it is sometmes, and egos go thru the roof just like they do on oil additives and cleaners,,,it can get messy,,IMHO.
Nothing serious here. Usually when religion or prayer request were posted, gradually a debate is started and then turns into a shouting match, and when shouting started, lock.
It's pretty clear here. No religion, no politics.

How would you feel if someone stated

May Halla Be with Us! (spelled backwards)

This board needs to develop some sort of consistencies if these rules are to work.
Originally Posted By: kcfx4
This Great Country was based on GOD!! people need to realize what that means!!

It means you are probably not in agreement with most of the people in this country.
Originally Posted By: Liquid_Turbo

May Halla Be with Us! (spelled backwards)

Are you serious???

You're equating that with simply saying the word god and asking for prayers?

I am pretty sure the post mentioned by the OP was for my S.O. Joanne. Sorry that it "may" have caused a problem. The prayers have been truly appreciated, and many more are needed, from whichever form of Supreme Being you put your faith in.

Thanks to all that have responded.
Originally Posted By: Johnny
Are you sure it did not get deleted by accident? There are several post in that thread that say GOD bless her and one of the posters has God Bless Our Troops in his signature.

Did you happen to check with one of the moderators?

Actually, I got a message from the Bitog Owner/ Operator. No offense to the Big Kahuna or owner in here.

Nice knowing you folks. I will probably be banned!
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