Delo syngear xdm 75w90 for 5th gen 4runner.

What spec oil doe the owners manual repc and what specs are on the Chevron oil . If the specs match Chevron puts out a fine product as all the other major oil companies.
What spec oil doe the owners manual repc and what specs are on the Chevron oil . If the specs match Chevron puts out a fine product as all the other major oil companies.
Toyota specs 75w85 for front and rear differential, for transfer case it calls for 75W. Delo oil is 75w90.
Toyota specs 75w85 for front and rear differential, for transfer case it calls for 75W. Delo oil is 75w90.
I have a 2006 ToyotaTacoma and run 75W-90 in both Diffs and some times if I have left over oil from the wifes Super Duty I run 75W- 140 in the rear differential and cannot tell any difference. The 80W- 140 delo is much thicker than a syn 75W-140 but the 75W-90 oils arent much if any different and room temps , I found Redline MTL works the best in the manual trans. DELO is top of the line.