Deleting a locked folder from Linux.

Jul 3, 2005
TIA I know it's simple but for some reason I'm having a hard time today. Here's a screen shot I just need the right command to delete the two locked folders. The exact command line/lines would be greatly appreciated.

Screenshot from 2022-08-13 08-07-03.jpg
Screenshot from 2022-08-13 08-07-03.jpg
Right click and go into the settings. You should be able to change it to allow. If not you need to be a super user (SU). As follows
  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Run command: sudo su.
  3. Command above would ask for your password.
  4. Once the correct password is given, you would give following command. chmod a+rwx folder/file. and go to home and just delete the folder/file.
  5. Exit for root user type exit .
Years ago my friend was part owner in a nice gun shop ,I would hang out and play gun shop employee. They had a credit card device that between steps would display, to continue press any key. I could never find the any key.
I could never find the any key.
I had a stick on red 'anykey' on my keyboard years ago. Someone got it for me as a gag gift. I've seen many variations on the stick on 'anykey', some not appropriate for this website. :)
OT: file management is one thing that "if you need to learn one thing on the command line for linux, learn this"

The associated commands like ls, mv, scp (et al with wildcards) are very efficient when understood even partially.

The GUI is basically an implementation of only part of the capabilities of the command line and all the goodies are usually left out.

Just remember, on the command line "silence is success" but it will do what you tell it to do, which might not be what you want.
Another option is
sudo rm [drag the file right into the Terminal window and its path will be displayed]
... or it's a folder:
sudo rm -rf [drag the folder right into the Terminal window and its path will be displayed]
In both cases the sudo command will prompt you for your password.