Deeply concerned for the future

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Originally posted by motorguy222:
The election of Kerry as President really worries me. The so called values that he has and the things he supports(gay civil unions-marriage) in my opinion will only hasten the end of time.
others on here may disagree,that is up to them,I am only going by Scripture.

Why worry about the end of time, if it's destined to happen? And according to the scripture, doesn't it open up another phase - God's kingdom.

People have been waiting for the end of time since the first century AD.

Originally posted by Bugzii:
QUOTE]Why worry about the end of time, if it's destined to happen? And according to the scripture, doesn't it open up another phase - God's kingdom.

People have been waiting for the end of time since the first century AD.
The Kingdom of God is not 'coming',it is already established.When Jesus was on Earth,the Bible said that the Kingdom of God was at Hand.
The Bible also says that the Kingdom of God was "without observation".It is a spiritual Kingdom.

The Bible also says in 2 Peter 3:9-12 that Jesus will return.
Strange how some opinions are formed here. I don't need or hate the Dems ...but I'd NEVER trust a Rub. Both tend to "slide" their "back door" agenda on the sly.

I used to love the Rush Limbaugh (he is ONLY entertainment folks)'s the bums on welfare!! They are the reason for your anxiety!!! type of rhetoric. It has no basis in truth and is just there to crank up support for fairlytale goals that are never achieved ..but give the Rubs just the edge that they need to "slide" the "side effects" in.

The left is just as bad. They portray the plight of the underdog as their chief concern and give you the rich (let me qualify that as "high wage earners" which is different from "rich") to flog.

I basically find the Left more "dangerous" ..but the Right, by far, is the most disengenuous. They have a quiet "class destinction" component that makes those of any "means" want to grab the first available lifeboat to their shores (Quick!! Get on the band wagon before the low lifes steal your money!!! Get here to the safety of our protection for your little gold mine!). If it was all about "values" ..heck the Rubs win, hands down...but it's never that simple. They still inflict their damage.
I know that there are some on this sight that are not religious,however,their are several that are.I believe it was on a recent Bill Moyers show that comes on PBS,that Cal Thomas was a guest.Mr.Thomas was making a few comments,one of which was about how things have already been decided.
What he was saying is that according to Scripture the world was and will get worse and that he thinks that we are facing such now.
I am 35 and I don't believe I have ever been in such agreement.Cal seems to be hitting things right on the nose.
Our country has done away with most of its morals and is pushing to do away with what few are left.
We have went from standing for what is right to letting any and every thing happen.
Government has taken Jesus and prayer out of the schools and are doing so in the workplace.Christians are being told that they cant wear crosses at the workplace because they might offend someone.
Christians are banned from brining their Bibles to school.Christian groups are being told that they cant distribute fliers on school grounds yet other groups are allowed to do so.
While all of this is happening to Christians,Muslims in California must be allowed to pray/worship during school hours.How is this OK when Christians cant even bring Bible ?

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was because of homosexuality,is the US any better than they were? The destruction of these cities was to be an example to all,however,we seem to have either forgotten such or believe that such cant happen to the US.
The Bible condemns homosexuality,that is a fact,yet people will say that it does not or that it was in the Old Testament.In the Old Testament,the penalty for homosexuality was death.If this doesn't mean that it was and is wrong,then what does? In Romans,The New Testament,it is also condemned and yet people will still say that it isn't wrong.
People will say that adultery's penalty was death and it is still done today,so why is homosexuality bad?
Adultery is STILL WRONG.
Homosexuality is STILL WRONG.Both were wrong then and are STILL WRONG now.
People can say that I am a hatemonger,racist and all of these other words that people like to call many Christians but I am only trying to uphold what the Scriptures say.
This is something that has been allowed to slip away by many,many that call themselves a Christian.
The election of Kerry as President really worries me.The so called values that he has and the things he supports(gay civil unions-marriage) in my opinion will only hasten the end of time.
others on here may disagree,that is up to them,I am only going by Scripture.
As I said,I don't think I have ever been as worried about the future as I am now.

What he was saying is that according to Scripture the world was and will get worse and that he thinks that we are facing such now.

I am (as a review of my posts will show) a "rabid right winger", but one cannot live one's life on this premise. The end of the world could come in 10,000 or 3 million years. One's perceptions are colored by one's personal experience. Things in general are much better than say, during 1931 or during WW2. Remember that comparatively the US lost very few people in WW2. Historians have a hard time estimating worldwide losses down to the nearest 5 million. Anothter example, few people alive were around in WW1 for the Battle of the Somme, where the British suffered about 60,000 casualties (20,000 dead) in ONE DAY. If you go to Britain today and talk to about any random older person they will have the most hair raising stories about their father in WW1 and the experience in the trenches.

I think one must try one's best to fix what one perceives as religious persecution/discrimination and expect that things will improve in that particular area.

If you go to Ypres today and look east through the Menin gate you will see a well built up bustling small town suburban area with people going about their business. In 1918 the view would have been of churned up mud with no remotely habitable home in sight, and the putrid remains in craters of tens of thousands of men (many of whom have never been recovered).

Also, keep in mind that now the UN is complaining that the big new world problem is that the food provided as aid by the US etc. is causing obesity in 3rd world countries!

Originally posted by MolaKule:
If you are referring to Republicans as a group trying to keep money in people's pockets rather the politicians pockets, yes, I agree. Both Libertarians and Republicans recognize that small business employs people. People on welfare never hire people nor contribute to the tax base.

The Leftist Socialists (otherwise known as Dems) are pro-welfare state, large government controlling and taxing everything and everyone, weak national security, anti-family, and anti-religion, and anti-patriots.

Whoops sorry, that's just the Democratic platform and voting record, but don't let that influence your judgement in November.
Try these MolaKule,

Both parties (wish we could vote "none of the above" pander to large monied supporters. Take the money out of the influence and you start getting problem solving based on the issues and good public policy. The "little guy" never really gets his point across because he can't match the bribes that business can fork over to both parties.
This is annoying. Republicans are not spending any less money than Democrats, they aren't decreasing the size of government, nor it's influence in our lives, and they tell just as many lies, and act just as asinine as Democrats or anybody else, yet want to come off as somehow better. They want to act as if they represent everybody who is a 'true' American. But I seem to recal that the last election was very close, and this one probably will be too, which would indicate to me that the population is about evenly divided. Both parties have their bad sides, too bad we have to choose bewteen these two, but effectively that's it for now.

Both parties have their bad sides, too bad we have to choose bewteen these two, but effectively that's it for now.

When it comes to the presidential election, I think your observation boils down to (in effect) Democrat = Republican

They end up doing pretty much the same thing. The common denominator is Congress, which acts as a huge flywheel. Practically speaking, it doesn't really matter who wins, but half the people end up feeling better.

Originally posted by MarkC:
This is annoying. Republicans are not spending any less money than Democrats, they aren't decreasing the size of government, nor it's influence in our lives,

That is true..But the fact of the matter is that most Republicans are very unhappy with Bush's spending ways. But the alternative is to give in to the Muslim Extremists who are trying to kill us.

The Dems are completely happy with spending programs and big government, reparations to black folks, anti gun stance, -yada -yada-yada. And in addition are not willing to win a war on terror.

I am also very unhappy with the Repubs insane views on stem cell research, Hispandering/lack of boarder control , and anti-choice for women. But survival (for me and my family) first.

Originally posted by labman:
As a Christian, I have big issues with the war in Iraq. I try to follow Jesus' example, and I have never found a verse in the Bible where he lifted up his hand against another man.*


You've read it all, right? When He comes as Judge, He will be doing a whole lot of "hand lifting", so to speak. He will judge this world with fire.

Sound familiar?


Originally posted by motorguy222:


Originally posted by Bugzii:
QUOTE]Why worry about the end of time, if it's destined to happen? And according to the scripture, doesn't it open up another phase - God's kingdom.

People have been waiting for the end of time since the first century AD.
The Kingdom of God is not 'coming',it is already established.When Jesus was on Earth,the Bible said that the Kingdom of God was at Hand.
The Bible also says that the Kingdom of God was "without observation".It is a spiritual Kingdom.

The Bible also says in 2 Peter 3:9-12 that Jesus will return.
Preach it Motorguy!

Jesus is on the throne NOW! He ascended and is seated at the right hand (position of authority) now. And he will remain there until all His enemies are made his footstool, as the scriptures say.

Sadly, the folks in 1st century palestine were looking for an earthly king and kingdom, too.

On second thought, it all worked out just right, didn't it?

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