Decent ebay vendor for HVAC filters.

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Apr 17, 2004
Texas Hill Country
Found a decent HVAC filter dealer on ebay.

I have an odd sized filter that sits in the ceiling of my hallway.

Could not find anything locally that was not a restrictive pleated filter. My system needs a fiberglass style filter. I have found that the store bought BLUE fiberglass style filters do not catch anything at all. This white one loads up with dust and does a good job catching it.

Quality of item was good, I received 12 filters for $20 shipped to my door from Indiana.

Brand is American Air Filter, Stratadensity is the model.

I change them out every two weeks because they are so cheap and the AC runs quite a bit during summer.
I just looked at them. I use a 20x20 pleated, which the price shows at $28 EACH? but the pic shows 5. I will call them next week and see, ONE for $28, even MERV 11, is not very good, FIVE for that is pretty decent if the filters are OK. BTW what I do is buy one and duct tape it to a 20 x 20 box fan, usually lasts 2 or 3 months. Very effective and works well , especially when placed in the room where dust is the worst.
What size do you need? Anything over MERV 8 is pretty restrictive (I'm looking at you Filtrete). I use the Rheem basic pleated filters from HD. MERV 7 with good flow, and <$8 for a 3 pack. Haven't used any Ebay or Amazon vendors.
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