Crowdstrike issue

Apr 15, 2017
Napa, CA.
Crowdstrike is a cybersecurity company. Apparently they are having an issue right now affecting all their customers windows servers and computers. They pushed a bad update causing a blue screen/boot loop.

Airlines, banks, businesses, hospitals, all around the world are down because of it.

My opinion? It’s the ultimate security. Can’t hack something that’s offline, right?

Joking aside, I wonder if Crowdstrike will survive this…
I feel for the people working in IT. My Wife who works in IT is very happy that she's off today, that's for sure. If systems are BSODing then surely it's going to be a manual 'at-computer' task to rectify all these issues? So no rolling out updates over networks etc. Owch.
Its been a long night for me. First US Central Azure was down for several hours, then Crowdstrike issue right after crippled nearly everyone at my company. Things are finally uprighting themselves.
Truly amazing, I tell my wife all the time we are still living in the dark ages. We have a long way to go in the internet of things.
I don’t think we live in a dark age at all. We live in an age where incredible activity takes place that we never see.

We live in age of ongoing campaigns, constant conflict, attacks, defenses, building, tactics, adversaries all at an incredible rate of change.

All of this happens in “cyberspace”, so we don’t see it, but those who work in that domain surely do.
Somebody at Crowdstrike is definitely losing some sleep tonight.
Temp workaround

Can confirm the below stops the BSOD Loop

Go into CMD from recovery options

change to C:\Windows\System32\Drivers

Rename Crowdstrike to Crowdstrike_Fucked

Start windows

Its not great but at least that means we can get some windows back...
I've heard there are possibly some issues with the temp workaround. People are still having some servers / pcs stuck in a reboot loop where Windows still won't fully come back up.

Thankfully, we're not on Crowdstrike. However, some of our biggest cloud providers are and we're effectively out of business today. At least the data loss isn't on us.

We lost all but two computers in our shop last night when the update was pushed. It was a mess. I thought it was local to our company so it was one of those oh well let IT handle it tomorrow things.
Are we really that Vulnerable ?

Meh you don't need to be.
Everything as usual in Sweden except Ryan Air and a couple of bus companys AFAIK.
LKAB big mining company halted production as well.

Question is why they pushed global simultaneous update, on a Friday.... ?
Rolling update is the norm on Android.