Classy Winner vs Sore Looser

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Apr 17, 2006
Lake Forest, CA
Simone Biles winner of individual all-around said this about her teammates Aly Raisman:

When questioned by reporters about the teammates’ standings, Simone said, “I think I was more proud of Aly getting silver than me gold.”

“She’s worked so incredibly hard during her comeback,” she continued. “She’s one of my role models, and I don’t think there’s anyone I’d rather share the podium with. I’m more happy for her than I am myself.”

And this comment from goal keeper Hope Solo:

“I thought that we played a courageous game,” Solo said after the match, which marked the first time that the U.S. Women’s National Team has failed to make even the semifinals of a major tournament. “I thought that we had many opportunities on goal. I think we showed a lot of heart. We came back from a goal down; I’m very proud of this team.

I also think we played a bunch of cowards. But, you know, the best team did not win today; I strongly, firmly believe that. I think you saw America’s heart. You saw us give everything that we had today. Unfortunately the better team didn’t win,” she continued, according to Sports Illustrated’s Grant Wahl.

Why didn't Hope Solo congratulated the winning team then go home ?
Emotions and being put on the spot. They're athletes not politicians. I'm sure they regret their statement and would have expressed their feelings better given some time to absorb the whole situation. I've played competitive spots but never at that level. My hat's off to them and I hope that they keep it "classy".
Thats how some folks are but I think a lot has to do with how they were raised and what they had to go through. Its not about me but more about US.
Solo's comments, inappropriate and classless. That said, if one has followed Solo's career at all, you're aware she's a bit of whack job. Comments didn't come as complete surprise to me.

Former US gold medal coach, now Swedish coach Pia Sundhage said about Solo's comments "“I don't give a [censored], I'm going to Rio, she's going home.” That about says it.

Seems the US not only got out played, but out coached too. It happens.
Originally Posted By: Sayjac
Solo's comments, inappropriate and classless. That said, if one has followed Solo's career at all, you're aware she's a bit of whack job. Comments didn't come as complete surprise to me.

Former US gold medal coach, now Swedish coach Pia Sundhage said about Solo's comments "“I don't give a [censored], I'm going to Rio, she's going home.” That about says it.

Seems the US not only got out played, but out coached too. It happens.

America loathing umpires don't help.
Solo had a drunken spiel while back and was looking at some charges that probably got dropped,of course. Soccer is very strategic like a game of Chess, and they got outwitted. If Olympics brings out egotistical people like Solo and a few others then pro athletes need to stay home and let the college stars and semi professional play where money hasn't glossed over their eyes yet.
It's a national embarrassment that she is even allowed to represent the US.

Among other things, she has a track record of failed drug tests, and in a drunken rage she beat her sister over the head with a broom handle and slammed her cousin's head into the street.

She also went DUI joyriding in a stolen Team USA van with her husband Jerramy Stevens, who washed out of the NFL because of his constant lawbreaking. Police cited her aggressive belligerence during the stop, which got her suspended 30 days.
It's easier to be a good winner than a good loser.

That's why you don't usually get extra credit for it. Nobody ever says "Wow, what a gracious winner."

Because, like, you won and you're all happy and stuff, and you can afford to be gracious. It's easy.

It's not quite as easy to be happy and gracious after a stunning defeat.

I'd have thought that was obvious.
Originally Posted By: mcrn
What made them cowards?

The Swedes played a boring defensive game and didn't try to score and were happy to go to penalty kicks.

Kind of like a boxer not wanting to go toe to toe against a more powerful opponent but adopting a more defensive strategy to counter-punch and win on points instead of going for a knockout.

It was good strategy by the Swedes. Hope is an embarrassment and should have never been on the team.
She is a nut job. If she ever marries it will last abou 2 years, unless the guy is brain dead. Then again. She does have um....other attributes.
Those two personality types are fine.

The ones you have to worry about are the Ultra Competitive ones.

They compete on EVERYTHING and never stop.

Those people I can't stand. They just always have to be better and smarter than everyone else and have no "Live and Let Live" in their character at all.
Originally Posted By: Leo99
Originally Posted By: mcrn
What made them cowards?

The Swedes played a boring defensive game and didn't try to score and were happy to go to penalty kicks.

Kind of like a boxer not wanting to go toe to toe against a more powerful opponent but adopting a more defensive strategy to counter-punch and win on points instead of going for a knockout.

It was good strategy by the Swedes. Hope is an embarrassment and should have never been on the team.

The most importance in an international game like this Olympic game is to win and match on to the next round.

No coach wants to play a beautiful game but didn't win and go home. The Swedes outplayed US, it is that simple.

A simple thing to do is shake hand with the winner and go home(crying if you want), calling opponents name after losing a game doesn't make you a winner.

To the other event, before Simone Biles started her last event on the floor, she went to meet and hug and congratulate Aly Raisman when she completed her exercise, other gymnasts in similar situation just concentrate in his/her next event.
Bitter idiot should have congratulated winning time and acknowledge they played better.

Just like a boxer that lost a fight and says he's the better fighter.
I personally think Solo is a mess but it wouldn't be apologizing for her to say that's she's right in a lot of ways. The former U.S. women's coach from 2008 and 2012, Pia Sundhage, now coaches Sweden. The Swedes played a very ( overly ) calculating and defensive game because that was the only chance they had to tie or win as they didn't have the firepower to beat the U.S. The media darlings from the U.S. couldn't get it done. A game like that that's settled by penalty kicks will likely have people like Solo running her mouth...I don't necessarily blame her given the backdrop of their former coach and the contextualized and misconstrued ( some might say inarticulate ) way the word "cowards" was used instead of having an actual adult speaking...although she's close to a constant embarrassment so I wouldn't think it's unexpected.
She's the goal keeper who lost the penalty shoot out. Sounds like she's deflecting attention from herself.
Originally Posted By: SavagePatch
Emotions and being put on the spot. They're athletes not politicians. I'm sure they regret their statement and would have expressed their feelings better given some time to absorb the whole situation. I've played competitive spots but never at that level. My hat's off to them and I hope that they keep it "classy".

Well I wonder what brand wants her now. Being a high level athlete also brings far more income representing companies. They drop losers instantly as they pay them nicely to represent them.

I am sure some soccer club pays nicely for coaching. NOT!
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