Choice between Rav4 and Mazda5 ...

Batteries go flat. Tires flat spot. Gasoline goes bad (E10). Etc. It's one thing to have an older fun project car, but it's totally different to have a vehicle at the ready for long trips & vacations.
I have 13, any of which I’d drive across country tomorrow. I know a little bit about keeping cars.

The two vehicles in question are nothing like such situations. They were used, miles accrued.

Only OP can comment on condition.
Either would be driven at least once a week. Condition wise they both have no mechanical issues I can find. The RAV looks practically factory new and the Mazda looks good for a 12 YO car.

I’m really leaning toward the Mazda as the smart choice. It will probably sell tomorrow.
We have a 2012 Mazda 5d and we have156 k on it. Never want to get rid of it since it is a comfy traveler. Returns 28 mpg at 70 ± mph and hauls all that we carry. I call it my wife's car since mostly she drives it. Never have taken it to the dealer since I do all my own service.
Yes it was. I think 2019 really began a lot of the quality issues with that model.
We have had no issues with our 2019 at all. Lots of specimens at 200K now. Only a few problems posted on the Toyota boards. Everything has fleas I suppose.

The Gen 4 Rav's were solid, but they were much smaller than the current gen and didn't get as good of mileage - if any of that matters. Not saying don't buy one, but $18K seems like a lot to me.

$6500 for anything that runs is a good price these days. If it meets your needs I might go that route.
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