China Mart wonder

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Mar 13, 2006
Looking around at China mart I found dome light bulbs from Hungary. Headlight bulbs from Germany and USA. Out of my face China!
There was an article in this weeks 'BusinessWeek magazine about how China is slowly loosing its place as the low-cost place to do business - lots aof companies are starting to look at doing manufacturing business elsewhere...
I saw light bulbs made in Hungary at least 15 years ago. Incidentally, German-made Flosser H7 bulbs sell online for about $6 yet Autozone wants $14 for one.
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What is happening in China happened before. Textiles (a low tech manufactured item) moved from the north to the south (in USA) to China now to Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia etc. China is now making money on high tech items rather than simple manufactured items.
I'm relieved when I find something made in Taiwan nowadays, it is often alot better quality than a comparable Chinese product. But I'll go out of my way and pay alot more money for something made in the USA or Canada, as it usually lasts longer for the most part and is better made generally speaking.
Originally Posted By: addyguy
There was an article in this weeks 'BusinessWeek magazine about how China is slowly loosing its place as the low-cost place to do business - lots aof companies are starting to look at doing manufacturing business elsewhere...
So much of the made in China is not worth the price that it is paid for it .
Originally Posted By: JSRT4
I'm relieved when I find something made in Taiwan nowadays, it is often alot better quality than a comparable Chinese product. But I'll go out of my way and pay alot more money for something made in the USA or Canada, as it usually lasts longer for the most part and is better made generally speaking.

In China sometimes they will have two types of the same product - one made in China and another one made in Taiwan. The shopkeepers will tout the quality of the Taiwanese products (which is true).
This is yet another reason I don't think the problem in US manufacturing is all China related. With rising labor cost in China, they will just move to ..... Vietnam, Poland, Hungary, India, Laos, etc.... but not back to the US.
PandaBear, you never know. If we can come up with business models that produces manufactured goods that are competitive despite high labor costs in the retail price, I think manufacturing can return to the US. By definition, the output has to be high value added products. I don't think it will ever be possible to make a plastic toy in this country that will be as competitive as a plastic toy manufactured in Vietnam. Heck, even laptops will not be competitive against the ones assembled in Malaysia or some other place with skilled labor (which is more expensive than the labor in Vietnam).

One proposition would be the manufacturing of highly customized and low lead time items. But that's not mass production...
I remember when Walmart was just starting up that they touted "BUY AMERICAN" and would ONLY put quality US made stuff in the store. Now the kids have taken over and Walmarts is not the great store it once was. TOO many cheap items in most all departments. JM observation. Ed
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