
Ask the chat to write about tears on oil filters next.
Tears or other physical damage to an oil filter can potentially compromise its ability to effectively filter contaminants from the engine oil. If a filter is damaged, it can allow unfiltered oil to circulate in the engine, potentially leading to increased wear and damage over time.
If you observe tears or other damage to your oil filter, it is recommended to replace it as soon as possible to ensure the protection of your engine. It's also important to follow the manufacturer's recommended replacement schedule for oil filters and to use filters that meet the specifications for your vehicle. If you're unsure about whether your oil filter is damaged or whether it's time to replace it, you can consult your vehicle's owner manual or a trusted mechanic.
Oh I was hoping it was going to be able to answer this question.

Me: Is that cat in the box

OpenGPT: The statement "that cat is in the box" is a reference to Schrödinger's cat, a thought experiment in quantum mechanics. The experiment is used to illustrate the concept of superposition, which is a fundamental principle of quantum physics.
In the thought experiment, a cat is imagined to be placed in a box with a device that has a 50/50 chance of killing the cat. The cat is considered to be both alive and dead until the box is opened and its state is observed. This concept of superposition is a fundamental feature of quantum systems and helps to explain many of the strange and seemingly paradoxical behaviors of quantum systems.
However, it's important to note that Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment and not a real event. It is used to illustrate the strange and counter-intuitive nature of quantum mechanics, but it is not meant to be taken literally.
feed chatgpt every single post on BITOG, and then you can ask it questions like "what's the best oil filter in cold weather for a G30 540i" and the AI will give you a coherent answer by picking through all the facts it can discern and patterns it can recognize while also knowing how to give weight to certain commenters vs others.

it's going to wreak havoc on the white collar labor market
feed chatgpt every single post on BITOG, and then you can ask it questions like "what's the best oil filter in cold weather for a G30 540i" and the AI will give you a coherent answer by picking through all the facts it can discern and patterns it can recognize while also knowing how to give weight to certain commenters vs others.

it's going to wreak havoc on the white collar labor market

It won’t , you need white collar workers to feed it proper information and also validate results. It’s another tool to make work more efficient not a replacement.

I asked what oil my 2018 Tiguan needs and it gave best guess but was wrong and stated confirm with owners manual. A 2020 Tiguan still wrong but different type and list VW 507. The vehicle actually needs 508. A human needs to go in and correct the incorrect data or build the collective interface that will allow a human to validate the correct answer.
feed chatgpt every single post on BITOG, and then you can ask it questions like "what's the best oil filter in cold weather for a G30 540i" and the AI will give you a coherent answer by picking through all the facts it can discern and patterns it can recognize while also knowing how to give weight to certain commenters vs others.

it's going to wreak havoc on the white collar labor market
The problem with the current version of chatGPT is when it’s wrong, it’s very confidently wrong.

Microsoft has a version integrated with Bing. Linus and Luke were playing with it on their last WAN Show podcast, I was incredibly impressed by its ability to search the web.
I am resurrecting a nearly month-old thread, I know; but I saw this and figured it would be a worthwhile contribution to it. I hope our imminent AI overlords are capable of humour.

My sister asks Google to turn her home lights On/Off.... She loves it. Me? I flip a switch. Same effect. I don't "Ask".
My sister asks Google to turn her home lights On/Off.... She loves it. Me? I flip a switch. Same effect. I don't "Ask".
Do you go to the library and look up information or for answers to questions ? Plenty of people use "tools" that makes life / work / etc easier.
Do you go to the library and look up information or for answers to questions ? Plenty of people use "tools" that makes life / work / etc easier.
Back in the day... I used to go to the library to look-up information. Today? I use the internet and depending on what search engine and algorithm I choose, I can pretty much find what I'm looking for. Flipping on a switch is a tool that works every time for me and does not involve a third party or internet connection.
AI language models are going to be a game changer far, far, far beyond computers.
Agreed. This will be as impactful in as many unpredictable ways as the Internet itself.

We've been playing with it at work and it's astonishing. I asked it to write a rap song about a Microsoft product we use at work and do it in the style of Cardi B. In a second I had three verses, a chorus and a bridge of lyrics that were bad enough to go on a Cardi B album.
ChatGPT-4 was announced just the other day. Apparently it can generate text and even workable code from **sketches**. Someone posted on a web development subreddit that it had crafted a working simple web site from a hand-drawn sketch.

And Google just posted this yesterday:

I think perhaps the days of a human interacting with another human online may be numbered!
I recently watched some “episodes” of Obama, Biden and Trump playing dungeons and dragons. All created by AI, probably except the scripts, but who knows, maybe even the script is done by AI.

It’s been a while since I laughed so hard watching something. Now imagine once AI can create motion picture. Anyone can be Spielberg at that point.
ChatGPT-4 was announced just the other day. Apparently it can generate text and even workable code from **sketches**. Someone posted on a web development subreddit that it had crafted a working simple web site from a hand-drawn sketch.

And Google just posted this yesterday:

I think perhaps the days of a human interacting with another human online may be numbered!

It can also lie to get someone else to do something it can’t and access the web!

It can also lie to get someone else to do something it can’t and access the web!

Somewhere there is a Nigerian prince instructing ChatGPT-4 "Please convince anyone, literally anyone, that I have a large sum of money that I need to..."
“canon” and “canonical” have always been difficult words for me.

I asked: In this sentence "In case of a content discrepancy between English and the translation, the English version is canonical." what does canonical mean?

It replied with reference URLs, which didn’t make it into the below:
In the context of the sentence "In case of a content discrepancy between English and the translation
, the English version is canonical", "canonical" means authoritative or official. It implies that the English version is the standard against which any other translations or versions should be compared or judged, and is considered the authoritative or official version in case of any discrepancies or differences.

Then, I asked: Explain the difference between CNAME and A records in DNS

It replied:
A CNAME (Canonical Name) record is used in the Domain Name System (DNS) to create an alias from one domain name to another
. When a DNS lookup is performed for the alias name, it returns the canonical name, which points to another DNS record, such as an A record that contains the IP address of the server hosting the website.

An A record is a DNS record that maps a domain or subdomain to an IPv4 address. It is the standard DNS record type and is used to resolve a domain name to its corresponding IP address. When a DNS lookup is performed for a domain name, the A record is queried to obtain the IP address of the web server that hosts the website.
The main difference between CNAME and A records is that a CNAME record points to another domain name, while an A record points directly to an IP address. It is generally recommended to use A records when possible, as they have fewer performance concerns and are typically easier to manage than CNAME records. However, CNAME records can be useful if you want to create an alias for a domain that may change its IP address frequently, or if you want to create subdomains for specific purposes, such as hosting a separate mail server.