Changed oem VW MTL to Redline MTL mix

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Nov 3, 2002
The FF in the new VWs is really thin compared to the 'ol 75w-90. I thought the amount was 2.3l, so I got 2q MTL 70w-80 and figured I'd top off with part of the q of MT-90 I already had.

I'm pushing a bit more power and had a little shudder I didn't like when running the 93 programme, so I figured a little thicker is ok. Well, it took all 3q and the shifter seemed really stiff. About 11cSt now. After driving, I'm surprised how nice the power delivery is. Thicker and slicker. The shudder is gone, it's quieter and smoother. Yeah, a bit harder to shift, but I have good technique, I'm not fighting the syncros.

Anyway, RL is up to $15, so I'm glad I didn't have to buy a 3rd quart. Too bad I don't have some left over for next time, but no big deal, I'm happy now. 5k on the old fluid, it was dark, not much metal particles compared to the FF oil. I let it drain overnight after a long trip.

At first I thought it was too thick, but I want to play it safe with the extra torque 300ft-lbs. I don't actually know what fluid was in there. I saw JHZR2's VOA of the thin fluid that goes in the '08 Rabbit, but I actually heard VW did ~something~ to change the fluid because of noisy 6-sp gear boxes. I suppose that means thicker. My box if far from noisy, now.


Easy job. I can re-do it in 5 minutes.
The difference RL makes in a manual trans is amazing.

I ran the visc calc with the correct visc for MT-90 (15.6cSt) and got 11.9cSt for my mix.

The new Redline MT-85 is 12cSt. I'd have liked to stayed thinner, but it will shear close to 10 anyway.
Nice. I found that in our rabbit it came out quite funny, slow then fast then slow, dont think the full amount came out either...

My issue with RL (used to use it in my E30 BMW) it that I feel the shifts degrade, especially in winter, and that is a very nice, easy shifter to use.

Amsoil has stayed far more consistent and nice, far longer. Just something to consider for next time, FWIW.
Next time I may bite the bullet and get the $20 Silkolene Pro SRG 75 Full Ester Race like I put in the Astra. That took only 2q and I got one of them for $10 on EBay.

For now, I'm pretty happy.

Thanks for the feedback.
Audi -
My brother has a turbo GTI with a 'switch chip'.
A 6 speed also.
So what is your final conclusion about the MTL? Need more miles to tell? [ The GTI lives in Texas.]

BTW, when he got the chip, he thought it was just OK on his first drive, after he warmed it up and stepped on the gas. It was better, but he was in 6th, not 3rd like he thought!
He will be buying tires more often, now!
The gear selector has a totally different feel. Harder and softer at the same time. Harder to move, but softer as it goes into gear. The fluid mix I have seems ideal so far. It just takes a bit more deliberate shifting, and I can notice a difference from cold to warmed-up. When it's warm it's really sweet. Power delivery is much better, more so than you can imagine a fluid can change it.

I only needed a 10mm hex, no tamper-proof 12pt on mine. Right now I wouldn't change a thing as far as the fluid goes. I'd say to just get the MTL 75w-85 instead of mixing. Maybe the MTL 70w-80 for a car w/o any mods.
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